An atomic bomb? No, worse! A pillow!


I love pillows.
They are never masters of their own form.
They are what they are. They are what we are.
It takes a lot of tenderness and also care to rock them
and make them return to their identity,
waiting for them to catch again at night
the mysterious features of our bodies.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Last night I reflected on this life; as i have written in the past i would not trade her for anyone else because i love my life.

I was thinking of a little game, if I died and were reborn what life would I choose to live? Would I change it? How would I do it?

As much as I love my life, essentially some things I could change in this little game, even to try something different, no?

Surely I wouldn't change my affections in my life, I would like to be reborn in my city and have my parents, my brother and his family, my wife and our beloved family.

Probably, if I were given the possibility of modulating my life over the years, up to the age of eighteen I would relive it exactly as it is.
And I would do the same for the rest of my life until 2009, the year in which I would find myself 27 years old... that's when I would change something.

Without going around it, I would buy 500 euro worth of Bitcoins which, at the starting price of 0.00076, would have allowed me to own more than 600,000 Bitcoins! Which I would have resold exactly on November 16, 2021 for the modest sum of 59969 euros, having a profit of almost 36 billion euros... I think that would have been enough for me.

Once I make this small change my life could continue to be what it has been up to now, with an obviously much bigger wallet.

You who know me a little by now know that I'm not attached to money, but I would make this change to experience the thrill of a life without the thought of bills, without having to watch what I put in the trolley when we go shopping. without having to drain the last drop of petrol before going to refuel; in short, I would like to be able to live without the thought of money, simply enjoying life.

Probably, if I had all that money, I would buy a farmhouse in Tuscany and go and live there with Reny; maybe we could spend six months in Montaione and six months in Reggio Calabria.
We could afford to build the house of our dreams without having to think about saving on everything; we could go on the honeymoon we never did; in short, we could do many things that are closed to us today.

Surely, it would be a beautiful life, like the one we are living today, because the meaning of my life is the affections and they are what makes it special; certainly not having to think about how to make ends meet would make everything easier, we would have fewer thoughts from that point of view and, personally, I could dedicate my mental energies perhaps to reflecting on the great systems of the universe heh heh!

Yes, if I had the days off, I think I'd be a great thinker.

As I always say, it's not money that brings happiness, this is extremely true, just as it's true that having it is handy anyway; money is simply a means to accomplish things and, in the right hands, can be a blessing; in the wrong hands instead they can become something bad, however they are not intrinsically good or bad but simply neutral.
Think of a pillow, it was invented to sleep comfortably but, statistics say, it is one of the most used weapons to kill in sleep; now I don't believe that whoever invented the pillow had thought of it for this use, nor that it should be labeled as the creator of a weapon of mass destruction, the fact remains, however, that even a simple pillow, in the wrong hands, can become an object of death .
As can be seen from my last example, the means and tools are not good or bad in themselves, they become an extension of whoever uses them.

Generally, I think thinking this kind of thoughts is not of much use, what has been, has been and what will be, will be!
In reality, every now and then, it can also serve only as a pastime, as a pastime.
I believe it's always better to spend time thinking, reflecting and energizing your mind, heart, soul and brain than playing video games.

And for clarity, I have nothing against videogames, I also like them a lot; I simply believe it should not be abused in its use.

My nephew Cristian is passionate about video games, he plays especially online, connected with headphones he communicates with his school mates; he sometimes he also plays with my brother and me and we have great challenges in Fifa (without headphones though eh eh); he does it in moderation, after he has studied, in the evening, he is allowed an hour of play, it being understood that, if they invite him to play soccer, he prefers that and this, in my view, is a great achievement from an educational point of view.

Sorry I didn't want to digress, we started from the speech of rebirth, different life, money, pillows, video games... mmm yes I think this reflection has ranged enough in the maze of the mind so I'll stop here before arriving who knows where.
I obviously thank you for putting up with my delusions and I invite you to leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Hug you!

🔘 🔘 🔘

Brave heart and gentle tongue will take you far into the jungle...

English is not my first language but I try, please forgive any errors.

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