Insufficiency Reshaping Our Lifestyle.

Have been observing my wife attend to the children when preparing for school every morning. I observed that she and the children tend to disagree on the ration of food dished for the kids. While the kids are saying: “I want more”; the mother is saying: “That is enough!” Then I remembered how it was when we were growing up with our parents. There wasn't much money to buy sophisticated food items but there was always as much food as we needed from the farms.

Situation Teaching Us

These days, we have been taught not to eat too much. They tell us of diseases that some food stuffs are causing to the body. We hear of feeding regulations. They even say that too much of some food items are causing us a high mortality rate. These could be true according to science, though it gives me worry that our great grandparents who didn't observe most of these dieting terms lived quite longer than those of us in this generation. I'm not doubting science or discrediting medical advice.

Affording Less With High Inflation Making Us Down Size

It is in my opinion that less available resources and the cost of affording more is what make us as parents to downsize what we give our children. That is not an offense. When we lived in affluent resources then and even wasted most of what we had, it was because there was always enough and to spare. We had more land to plant almost everything we eat. There wasn't need to import rice and other foodstuffs. We took everything from our farms. We processed them by ourselves and we could cook and eat as much and as many times as we needed.

These days, most of the new generation humans are not rural dwellers so farming activities have reduced drastically. There is less that is coming from the farms. The influence of education has made our youths look down on any farm related career. In my country Nigeria, we depend mostly on importation because we are not even producing enough food for our teaming population. The cost of buying the food is heavy on the parents so we have decided to trim down our children’s consumption capacity.

Preparing For The Future

It seems to me that we have entered into a generation in our world that things might not return to the way we used to have in the same days of our parents. What we are faced with now requires strategy on moving forward. We have to strategize how to earn more money that can help to sustain the basic needs of our family and those depending on us. We should also try to enlarge our capacity in income and resources generation. As we are adopting the principles of downsizing, let us open more sources so that our inflow will increase.

I’m glad to come your way this day. Thank you for reading my blog

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