Of the errors also learn

Of the errors also learn

Of the errors also learn

In fact, it seems to me that the obligatory phrase is "you always learn from mistakes" because there is no learning if you don't make mistakes, we must make mistakes in order to learn; There is a phrase that I have heard a lot on the internet that is "a wise person learns from his mistakes and the mistakes of others", and yes, an intelligent person will most likely make almost no mistakes, he does it when he enters a field that he does not know, intelligence lies there, in knowing how to observe the environment and the people who have passed through there, in this way he learns from the mistakes of others so as not to make mistakes.

Are mistakes failures?

Mistakes are not failure; we must always evaluate what are the conditions that are presented to us to make mistakes; Today we make a lot of promises, we are not going to be with a person who is not worth it, we are not going to make the mistake again, of doing this and that, we are going to stop drinking, partying, smoking, we are going to stop even selfishness, conformism and many other things, but we fall again, we make mistakes again and even being aware of mistakes that another person made, instead of learning from them we return to the same episode.

It seems that we are not aware that, if we make a mistake once, we cannot stumble over the same stone once and twice, sometimes we enter a vicious circle of making the same mistake again, of acting in the same way believing that the problem is going to be solved, if we do the same always do not expect different results.

We make hasty decisions, we speak recklessly, we don't listen to obey, but we listen to respond, we frequently make mistakes when we don't know how to manage time and money, we make mistakes frequently, we make mistakes because we are not orderly, we lead a very messy life I speak in the sense that we leave everything to the last or we do not take things maturely, responsibly.

Sometimes we take it as a sport, that its time will come and when the time comes, then we do things very hastily and very quickly and that is when we make mistakes.

Experiences make us better every day and are very useful when shared with friends.

It is always opportune that every day while you go on a trip or are resting, we evaluate our lives, as a kind of meditation and we put on a scale that weighs more, the good things or the bad things, the company of our loved ones or the people that it doesn't matter; because sometimes we give value to the new, to the novelty and there we make mistakes.

You have to give importance to the good things, since normally the bad things stay in our mind and space and the good things we have forgotten and abandoned.

Sometimes we all need to look at our surroundings, our family and sweep to see the panorama more clearly, but also to order our ideas because sometimes we are often wrong because we have a chicken coop in our mind and in our heart, that we end up confusing everything, We are not aware that personal work problems cannot be confused with family problems, that is when we frequently make mistakes due to ignorance.

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! The truth will set us free and science is the one that is closest to the truth!

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