Losing the important ...

Until I opened my social networks, and the politics of my country, I was bitter about coffee.

How difficult is such a cell phone addiction, I suggest you watch the movie: I can't live without you, besides its drama and fun it shows us a good lesson.

For example, today is Sunday at 8:15 am, I'm stuck here on my backyard terrace glued to my cell phone.

I remember some years ago, my Sundays were different in the morning, I remember I was jogging through my urbanization with my husband we passed by the kiosk that sold the regional, national and international newspapers of my country, and when we got home to start reading them accompanied by a delicious coffee, the typical alarm clock of my creative neurons, my husband and I, we carefully reviewed the magazines included in the newspapers, the cartoons, the cinema and culture billboards, the sports news, the equestrian gazette and the 900 goals of Cristiano Ronaldo.

We also used to look at the schedules of religious services in the city, but now everything is digital.

It is very important to be informed, but you also have to enjoy yourself. Everything has its space and its balance. The secret is to give everything its place and its priority. At least when I go to walk my pet 1 hour a day without a cell phone, it gave me a moment with myself, nature and the company of my beautiful dog.

Recently, my cell phone was lost and I tried to solve the issue of key management, and suddenly I had a horrible panic attack to the point that I hyperventilated for a while and felt very anxious, all this I felt for a cell phone?. Well, the next day it appeared stuffed in one of my wallets, for God's sake and I was so tired, that I said to myself "please, Janitze, your life can't revolve around the cell phone" believe me I felt so vulnerable and every weekend I try as much as possible to sneak away, away from this type of device, so as not to depend so much on the cell phone.

Instead of enjoying the coffee, the morning, the sound of the little birds, the silence, the peace, the calm, instead of reading toxic news from people I don't even know who are doing things I don't even care about, but well, I'll try to stay away, who knows if in 10 minutes I'll have the cell phone in my hands again 🫣

*I think I'm going to try to go to cell phone addicts anonymous this week 😂. *

What if we become addicted to reading, researching and meditating. I think we find many valid answers to our questions there.

To see if my addiction is relieved, I think many of us suffer from this vice. I think I'm going to create a challenge: how long can you be without using your cell phone? without missing the important thing of real life. Let's talk in comments.


Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Translation with |DeepL

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