It is not a goal ...

It's a decision.

In all areas of our life, we have to make many decisions. Some more difficult than others.
Some more engaging than others and some more enjoyable than others.

Whatever the case, it is necessary to remember that our values will define our actions and decisions. One of the ways to make decisions, which I won't have to regret tomorrow, is not to do what is necessary, nor what is convenient, but what is right.

Therefore, it is very good to strive so that our decisions ensure our well-being and that of others.

It's not about being an enlightened guy, like Buddha, Mohammed or Jesus Christ as if feelings, emotions are never going to affect us. It is about that despite the tragedy of life the sufferings and misfortunes we take from the most coherent way possible, let's accept it and understand it as it is.

There will be things that have a meaning and an explanation, others simply do not, these are the most difficult to accept. Well despite that life goes on, we have to give time to time that sooner or later serenity will come.

I think that when we listen to our conscience, we know what the right decision is. Without a doubt, our conscience and values will guide us to be able to contribute with our concerns when deciding.

It's a pity, to mention it in some way, when a human being dedicates himself to what he is destined to do in life without knowing it, a way of discovering it starts with the firm intention of finding that which fills him with passion, is good for us and, moreover, does good for everyone.

By the way, it's not just about feeling euphoric and cheerful, no. It is to be and feel deeply happy to progress fulfilling a worthy and noble purpose.

If we try and dare to find out, we persist, regardless of what people say. What we feel and what we think about ourselves is really important.

I always say to myself, beware of the shadow, otherwise the lights dominate our life. You have to integrate the shadows and the grays as coherently as possible, al.minus it's against what to do between the sea my shadow and me (cover photo).

That's what it means to pursue happiness and enjoy the road. It's not a goal, it's a decision about, for what? making the trip.

Many times I don't understand the meaning of life, and I think why? so many misfortunes and difficult situations and there are also those who say we come to pass tests in this life.

I think the theme is to put the best of one, to everything that arises and happens. Falling down a thousand times and getting up a thousand and one more.That's what I try to do every day.

We all have unique trails, it is necessary to find and travel one's own. Do you have any other way to live a worthwhile life? You are free to share your experience in comments.

Janitze 🦋

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Translation with |DeepL

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