Drop the suitcase, is the most sensible thing ...

Important to overcome!! To have your mind free without hard feelings!!! let everything flow!! that is happiness, without a doubt.

I'm not saying it's easy, but it is deeply liberating. The pain and anguish is not forever.

We simply have to overcome our problems and live in the present!, and leave behind everything that puts a weight on his life's suitcase and causes him sadness, guilt and backwardness.

Is it hard for you to let go of the past?

One of the worst problems in human relationships is not being able to forget the past. And of this I have not the slightest doubt. Why? Because we carry the weight of our history, a backpack full of negative emotions that accompanies us and weighs us down throughout our existence.

Many times our past determines our present and structures our future. Just like that, just like that. We become victims of our past experiences, conditioning every aspect of our present. And this is not good for us. I'm going to explain to you why.

Living in the past anchors us, delays us, scrubs our life, spoils any impulse, goal or idea of evolution and advancement.

I'm telling you in my language: We bother ourselves!

Whether by trying to hide from them or by avoiding taking responsibility for our actions, we are caught in a cycle that oscillates between denying their influence and taking the blame. Our life is going in this emotional swing.

This conditioning exerts such a profound control over our existence that we stop really living our own lives, becoming trapped in a reality conditioned by a past that relentlessly haunts us.

Letting go of the suitcase means releasing those burdens and living in the present without ties is the key, and Many of us need help to achieve it (including me).

I am open to truth.

Today, I allow myself the freedom to explore new perspectives, question old beliefs, and welcome knowledge with open arms. In a world filled with endless possibilities, the willingness to seek truth is a powerful tool in present time is for growth and understanding. I let curiosity be my guide, and let the light of truth illuminate my path.

It requires a brave heart to surrender control and embrace the unknown. Faith is not about blind belief, but about a willingness to trust in the wisdom of the universe. Let go. I got this, so let go. Embracing each moment with wonder and awe, I love my life.

Have you found yourself getting into this pull and shrink? I'm sure you do. Me too! It happens to all of us. Let’s talk in comments.


Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Translation with |DeepL

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