
When I was a teenager, 16 years old, I was already on the street at night with my friends, we were a large group, there were about 11 of us, something similar to the musketeers, one for all and all for one. We went out to listen to music, dance, have fun, look for a girlfriend...experiment. The club was the ideal place for that, none of us missed a weekend night at the club. In a certain way we were popular in our town, just because we had our good environment and we thought we were macho. It was because we believed ourselves to be machos that many of us made that mistake behind the façade that it contributed manliness to our youthful projection.



My father smoked from an early age, he was still smoking when I began my nocturnal wanderings, at that time I disliked cigarette smoke, it made me sick, it bothered me..., and tobacco smoke too. But as life takes turns and with it fashion, (which is not always related to clothing) a couple of the 11 musketeers had already tried the cigarrete, attracted by the manliness and masculinity that "according to the fashion of the moment" it provided, and they maintained that smoking was delicious and that the "jevitas" (* that's what girls were called*) would cling to you more if you smoked. Thus the smoke entered the group and little by little it spread, I continued on the sidelines, crouching behind my repulsion towards cigarettes.




One Saturday night, as always, us the musketeers were in the usual nightlife, although that was a slightly different night, that night the disco was great, very busy, full of "jevitas." That night I was excited, full of energy and I still don't know why, but finally I approached one of the smoking musketeers and asked him for a cigarette. I didn't know how to smoke, I had no idea, but he explained to me how I should do it and I did. The night ended right there for me, I couldn't even finish the cigarette, it was a strange feeling of dizziness and the desire to vomit that made me go home and sleep as best I could.




After that first impact I thought that this was definitely not for me but, for some reason that to this day I do not know, it was not like that. I can't remember what the chronology was like and how it gained intensity in me, but against all logic I continued trying little by little, without any dizziness or disgust, until it began to sink in and I began to get hooked. As I said before, my father still smoked, he always went to bed early, so every time I left for the club he was already asleep. His cigarettes were next to him and always, before leaving, I would sneak into his room and take 3 from his pack, that was enough for the moment. As time passed my pace increased, I was no longer smoking for fashion, I felt like I needed it. At that time the price of cigarettes had a drastic increase compared to what it had been, my dad got upset and said that he would quit smoking and that he would not do it again until the price went back to what it was before, which never happened. By then he and my mother already knew that I smoked, he told me that if he had quit he wouldn't keep my habit either, that he wasn't going to forbid me, but that I should smoke when I could pay for it, in the end my mother always gave some money to the disco and I managed to buy some cigarettes. So, years went by and I smoked a lot, I started to work and the price of cigarettes continued to rise and I kept smoking.


When the time came I got married, she met me smoking, but she didn't like it too much, she insisted over and over again about the harm it was doing to me and those around me, but I wouldn't quit. Three months before my first child was born, my ex-wife had gone to visit her sister in Spain. I took advantage of the fact that I would be alone to quit smoking, because I had tried it several times before and it made me unbearable. When I tried to quit smoking I felt very bad, it was a kind of depression that took over me, I lost the desire to do anything and at the same time I was upset, it was quite uncomfortable for me and for her, it really seemed like I needed it.I had heard, seen and read about the addictive effects of some drugs and how people got into the detoxification process and I saw myself very reflected.


In those two months, supported by runs of almost 10 km that I did in the afternoons to counteract anxiety, I was able to stop smoking. It seemed that I had managed to win and that everything bad was already behind , but that was not the case. After a year and a half without smoking, on a trip to the beach, we were having a few drinks and a friend offered me a cigarette with mint that was mild, my habit was a strong cigarette,so I accepted it, confident that nothing would happen because the mild cigarette wouldn't have the same effect on me, but you know what? I was wrong, little by little I returned to the habit with greater force and over the years I have not been able to get rid of it, I already have 2 children and the oldest is 12 years old.I've made several more attempts but all failed.


With my children I have talked a lot about smoking, I have told them in much more detail the story of how their father made a mistake and started smoking, I have insisted that under no circumstances allow themselves to be influenced by anyone and I have emphasized all the damage that can cause that harmful vice or habit, whatever you want to call it, I prefer the first. I don't deny it, I like smoking, but it is very harmful and economically it is not convenient or easy to sustain, at least here where I live, where the abrupt changes in the price of cigarettes do not stop, to the point of being able to consume an entire month's salary the average way they pay here. That is why I have decided to fight the last battle to get rid of cigarettes, right now I am writing this post and I have smoked 5 cigarettes, this cannot continue like this. I always choose Monday to start these types of battles, to be busy at work most of the time. Tomorrow the war against cigarettes begins, I hope my anecdote will help whoever reads it, if they are nearby, to stay away from it and to support and encourage any of their loved ones who are hooked on this vice, to give it up. Greetings to the entire community, have a happy Sunday. Wish me luck.


Images on the post are sourced below.
English's not my home languagge so translation was made supported by Google Translator.
Content AI free by: Raúl Hernández Vergara.



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