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7 steps to a happy and free life


Image from unsplash by Tim Mossholder

Good day everyone, am back on hive!

Everyone has their own definition of happiness. For some, it may be living in the moment and enjoying the small things in life. For others, it may be spending time with loved ones. For still others, it may be achieving their goals and dreams. The key to happiness is finding what brings you joy and doing everything in your power to keep that joy alive. In this post, I am going to discuss seven steps that you can take to achieve a happy and free life. From setting goals and planning for success, to living in the moment and enjoying the simple things, these steps will help you move closer to your dreams and goals. So read on, and learn how to achieve a happy and free life!

  1. Know yourself

If you want to live a happy and free life, then you need to know yourself. This is the first step and it's something that takes time and effort. You need to be honest with yourself and ask yourself the tough questions.
Once you know yourself, you can start to make changes. You might want to make some major changes and others might be more minor. But making changes is the first step to a happy and free life.

  1. Live in the present

Living in the present is the key to happiness. Too often we get caught up in the past and the future. We spend our time worrying about what might have been or worrying about what might happen.
The past is over. The future hasn't happened yet. Living in the present is the key to happiness.
When we live in the present, we're not preoccupied with what might have happened or what might happen. We're preoccupied with what is happening now and how we can enjoy it.
We're not consumed by worry, anger, or guilt. We're free to live our lives the way we want to.

  1. Give thanks

No matter how hard life might be at the moment, it is important to give thanks for everything. Whether it's the good or the bad, it's important to take a step back and realize that everything happens for a reason.

There are so many things to be grateful for, and sometimes it's tough to find the time to do so. But by taking the time to reflect on what we have and what we don't have, we can work on making the most of the good things in life.

Here are seven simple steps to a happy and free life:

  1. Give thanks for the good things in life.
  2. Learn to let go of the bad.
  3. Live in the moment.
  4. Appreciate the small things.
  5. Laugh at yourself.
  6. Connect with others.
  7. Let go of grudges.
  1. Connect with others

One of the best ways to reduce stress and achieve happiness is to connect with others. Whether it's through friendships, family, or work, being around others who share similar interests can be very beneficial.

Often times, we isolate ourselves from others, whether it's because we're busy or we're feeling down. When we disconnect from the world, it can lead to negative thought processes, which can spiral out of control.

Instead of wallowing in self-pity, take some time to connect with others. Whether it's going out for coffee or catching up on Facebook, socializing can actually be a great way to relieve stress and achieve a happier life.

  1. Be content

If you're unhappy in any area of your life, you're going to spread that unhappiness to everyone around you. It's not healthy, positive vibes only attract positive things and unhappy people attract unhappy people.
So, how do you become content?
There are a few things you can do.
First, find what contentment brings you. For some people, it's spending time with family. For others, it's enjoying a good book or movie. Reflect on what contentment feels like and try to find small moments of it throughout your day.
Second, be grateful for what you have. No matter how small. Even if you're having a bad day, acknowledge that you're living and that's something to be grateful for. Be thankful for your health, your loved ones, and the food you're eating.
Last, practice self-compassion. This means being kind to yourself, even when you don't deserve it, and it will help you let go of unimportant things that are stressing you out.

  1. Let go

Sometimes we can get so bogged down in our routines that we forget to take the time for ourselves. Maybe we're running late all the time because we're constantly responding to emails or we're too busy working to enjoy the simple things in life.

The good news is that you can actually increase your happiness and live a more free life by taking the time for yourself. Dedicate some time every week to do something you really enjoy. Maybe it's cooking, reading, spending time with friends or family, or even taking a walk outdoors.

By doing this, you'll become more content and less stressed, which will ultimately make you happier. Not to mention, it'll also cut down on your expenses since you'll be using less money and not feeling guilty about it.

  1. Create your happy life

Creating your happy life starts with taking some time for yourself. This doesn't mean sitting on the couch all day watching TV. It means taking breaks, doing things you enjoy, and spending time with the people you care about.
It's important to find your passion in life and to do things that make you happy. Once you figure out what makes you happy, it's easier to find ways to incorporate those things into your daily routine.
For example, my husband and I love to hike. We'll go on long hikes and explore new trails. We also like to watch nature documentaries and read books in the evenings. These simple things make us happy and they've helped us to create a happy life.

I hope you enjoyed my blog post about how to have a happy and free life. We know that many people want to be happy and free, but they don't know how to do it. Together we are here to tell ourselves that there are many things we can do to help ourselves achieve a happy and free life. Of course, every person is different, and some of these tips may not work for you, but hope that at least a few help you out! We will see you soon with another blog post.

Thank you so much for reading!

Do well to engage me lol

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