A series of unfortunate, but funny in retrospect, events.

Front yard splice.jpg

↑The above is a composite image of my niece's front yard, or part of it↑

I used to live in the basement at my niece's house, and I served as part time caregiver to fill in for her when she had to be away; her husband is a quadriplegic.
They are on Vacation right now in Tulsa.

Doing some Birthday thing or other for their grandson.
She asked me to come over and water her plants inside and out
(I still have a key)
She has a LOT OF PLANTS.

Front yard 1.jpg
(one section of the spliced image above)
So yesterday, I went and watered everything, then got a shovel and went down under her deck (to the area where I used to live, and keep MY plants) where there was a stand of Cast Iron Plant which I was familiar with from finding it tossed over the fence at the housing projects back home, only to have proliferated without care.
It was there when we moved in to the house in 2009, and she had said I could get some of it for my new house.

One root ball I transplanted

They have an extensive earth work and retaining wall, with some stone steps they installed several years ago.


(that is my niece, I am 2 months older than she is. She's holding up a lot better than me)
So coming back around, I started up those steps, and:
I was carrying two small plastic pots with some Cast Iron Plant I raided, and the shovel I used to do so. Suddenly, a gnat flew into my eye

I violently and instinctively shook my head, lost my balance, fell (sorta, more like sagged) to my right and sat right down just as purty as you please in a large ornamental ceramic pot with some Hosta in it, which, being rounded on bottom, promptly rolled me and it over.

Butt pot 2.jpg

From today, I went back to water again

Damn near took me three minutes to get disentangled and back to my feet, whereupon I had an asthmatic coughing fit.

Butt pot.jpg

The first pot, which I'll call the "butt pot" tipped over and rolled me into that smaller white pot

Luckily I had my albuterol inhaler in the car. Scraped my right elbow is all the damage so far detected.
I DO have a fair bruise on my left elbow, and that night... WhooWEE! did I ever hurt, but I survived!

I wish to GOD there had been cameras somewhere recording all that.
It would have made for an hilarious video.

"Unfortunate, but funny"

In retrospect anyway

Jerry E Smith
(this happened yesterday)
All images original
I'm going to call this a #thoughtful-daily-post


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