There's Just So Much To...


I have felt the scary part of life. The one that makes you pant and look over your shoulder like someone whose life is on the line, and I have also felt it! The part of life where everything feels real and beautiful and at this moment when I look back at the bad side of life, I find myself saying;

"There's just so much to life that makes it worth living."

The country we find ourselves in matters. I know for sure that no country is rosy because it is run by humans, but there are some countries that are better than the others. And, this is why people from lesser countries find ways to wander in and find themselves in a better country to live in.

Some call it greener pasture while most people from Nigeria call it "Japa," which means running away or finding a better place. And during this quest of finding greener pastures, there are people who have fallen into holes that aren't meant for them, and then, the bad side of life gets to them and makes them breathless.

...If their country were better, maybe these people wouldn't have to strive each day to find a way to just leave a place known as home to survive in a place they've never been to before. And, it works out for many, which is why everyone feels like they have a chance to take their family or selves out of the stinky poverty their country has stock them into.

Just think about it, for a person to leave a place they knew as home to a foreign land isn't just what anyone can do. It takes lots of seeing the reality of our world, determination, and courage to do so. A home is where all the goodies are meant to be, not in a place you've never been in. But many risk their lives every day to find a way out of the country.

Being a Nigerian as it specks. The country is built on corruption, and each year seems to be getting worse. It is unbelievable because each year is meant to be better. It is meant to be like a child... growing, but instead, it is depreciating, and it is not fair to anyone.

I had a call with a close friend today, and I could feel her anger as she spoke. I could feel the tiredness in her voice regarding the country and its work ethics. It is sad being a worker. You hustle hard only to come home at the end of the day with a token, not enough to even afford a peanut anymore.

...and your employers know what they are doing, and still do it. Some even make use of certain beliefs to tie your hands with words they think are Holy, and it isn't just right because that's a top-tier emotional damage that can kill.


Imagine being not paid well and your employers speak in ways to make you feel like they are doing you a favor. Lol. But the moment you decide to leave, their eyes just magically open, and they see your worth, so they plead and ask you to just name what you want.

I don't understand. What stopped them from giving you a raise beforehand? Nothing, I'd say. Asking someone to name their price when they want to leave your job and paying them what they say even if it is 6 times their salary is something I'd rather hope not to understand why you did it.

When you see scenarios like this and some unimaginable others, it makes you question yourself as the worker. If he/she could pay me that much, does it mean I was worth such from the start? So, have I been slaving for them all these years? What if I am more than what I asked for?

Series of questions pull you in and make you hurt. Unnecessary damage to the soul, and then they expect that person to be happy coming to work without pain in their hearts?

I once saw a tweet on X where a user said something like,

"If you are insulted where you work even if they pay you a million, quit the job immediately."

When I went to the comment section, it was buzzing. Some refer the guy to fowl (chicken), coconut head, things like insult is a normal thing and some other talks... and there I was with a faint, beautiful, sad smile on my face as a statement left my lips, "What a world."

I am a very proud person when it comes to some situations in life because I know my worth. I have been into lots of shit in life to give someone the right to look me in the eye and insult me while I bow with a statement, "I am sorry Sir/Ma." Nah! I won't take it. I won't let their words hang in the air because my sweet response will do a fine job.

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Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.

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