Poor pooch!

Ahhhh you really know your dog is like your kid when then are starting to have weird behavior and it turns out that they are ill. By looking at the symptoms you can have some sort of idea of what is going on with the furry friend, but it always turns out a bit into a guessing game.

Which makes you observe the dog even more, and with that you only get more questionmarks raised and the eyebrows frowned. And still doggo if ofcourse not answering what you are wondering and when you ftrying to find out more about his complaints. What the hell can be wrong with him?

It started out with in the morning the dog vomited somewhere. This is totally nothing new, because sometimes I think that this animal thinks his doesnt get enought to eat and has to eat anything random that he finds out in the street during his walks.

So nothing was weird about this. But during the afternoon the animal started to turn lethargic, litsless and less responsive. It was only when I was looking at him and I saw that he was shivering that I really noticed that something was wrong. Now the shivering he sometimes has more when the dog is scared of something. But this was at home and nothing had happened and it was while he was sleeping as well. Concerns!

A small google session is naturally what you do, which ofcourse you shouldn't. But coming from a medical profession I always do think I have the option to filter out a bit what is reasonable to be aware of and what is total panic. And I couldn't make much out of it. The combination of the shivers (potential fever but no hot ears or nose) and him being so listless and later on not eating anymore (and there is literally no option that this dog doesn't eat, he just always digs in) were the symptions that I was looking for.

Options that turned out was a bacterial infection which to me was most likely because of the always eating outside, and the option of parvo or something like that seemed less likely because of the climate here and that he has his vaccinations on point. Other options were heart failure and ofcourse stomach torions because he is a big dog where he breed is known for to get this.

Not something for me but I called the vet in the evening on the emergency line explaining the symptoms and the response was still to try to get in some food and some water. I got in a little big of food from my hand and some water from my hand and he went to sleep again. An hour later the dog was covered in his own drool and when I went to wipe it off of him with a napkin I also saw that there was some blood in the drool. Back to calling the vet!

The reply of the vet was to still try to get food in and that the blood can come from irritation of the stomach which still to me was the most likely case because of eating something nasty in the streets. Again I tried to get in some food which did work out and I decided to let him sleep in the bedroom for just-in-case.

In the morning when I woke up the whole floor was covered in drool but the dog was super alert and responsive and seemed happy again. Food and water went in like a breeze and when walking he was dribbling around again. It almost seemed like nothing had happened at all. How weird!!

Had I been worried too much? Nehh I don't think so because this dog is well at the age where he could have serious issues, but I am just super happy that this all ended with a stressless situation. And I still think this was because of eating something weird and the vet was very right with just trying to get normal food in there to get out of the bad stuff.

Just the whole looking out the whole time and trying to think what could be wrond with him was a really high alert situation, so yes young parents. I do understand what you are going through when you see your baby has something going on and you have no idea what to do and just observe.

It is just good to see the pooch is full on back in business!

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