Busy Bees on Hive - Where did it begin? Where are we going with this? BB🐝


Good morning everyone from a very cold and stormy Cape Town, South Africa.

I am Zak Ludick and this post is to give people an idea how all of this Busy Bee stuff started and a bit about where it is going.

You might only know from this post, but you might also have seen people on Hive talking about it. You might see Ecency Waves being posted with a "BB🐝" on them and you might have noticed my HIVE PROGRESS - The Busy Bees 2024🐝🐝🐝 Progress Report Posts.

So let's start at the beginning.

The Origin

In the beginning, there was no Busy Bees group. There was a weekly stats post about my own Hive progress. It detailed my weekly gain of HP and how many posts I made and how many comments I made.

My wife, @clairemobey, also started blogging on Hive and of course I created accounts for each of our kids - @aimeludick, @merenludick, @matthew-williams. And started a Mobey-Ludick Family stats post instead of my personal one.

Because I am excited about Hive, I onboarded some people and taught them how to blog and tag etc etc.

The most successful of that group is @jasperdick, who performs live music with @clairemobey and together they perform as Mobey Dick! 🐳

I started an "Onboarding Class" for a whole year... then the next year I started a new generation of students but kept a place on the list for those students that were still active.

Soon enough other people started to join the list. Friends in our area who were also on Hive, other South Africans, other Africans. Soon people from all over the world, friends of my original list were added to the list.

Then came sponsorships from people like @alonicus, @papilloncharity, @melinda010100 and @braaiboy.

There had come a time where it was put to a vote as to what our group name would be. After two rounds of suggesting candidates, the members were asked to vote.

And so the Busy Bees were named!

The Future of the Busy Bees!

So this is the exciting part!

The Busy Bees are growing!

We are always growing in terms of HP... but we are also growing in terms of membership.

My vision and our goal is to have a primary team of 100 Active Busy Bee bloggers. Right now the Busy Bees group is 78 members, of which just over 50 are actually active bloggers.

We are filling up the roster with members and then I will be pushing all the inactive accounts off this list.

Those members who are inactive will not be forgotten or discarded. Nobody is cross with them. Life sometimes does not allow us to be active bloggers. Or some people want to take a break. That is OK. They will be added to the Sleeping Bee category.

There might also be a Casual Bee group.

But for the Busy Bees A-Team - we want 100 active bloggers!

I am also making it a collection of Redfish, Minnows, Dolphins and Orcas in the A-Team.

The Goal

To keep Hive alive!
To keep those 100 Bees posting!
To keep everyone growing and engaging!
To boost reciprocal growth!

Would you like to join?

Please let me know in the comments below if you are interested in join us! I am looking for active and positive people who want to grow on Hive!

Thank you for reading!


Hive South Africa

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