My family's favorite pork cartilage curry

Hello, my lovely friends. Today, Mae Krua would like to invite you to cook my husband's favorite menu again, which is pork cartilage curry. I must say that this menu is very delicious because this menu is the one I make the most. It's also very easy to make. It's suitable for people who like spicy food. And the origin of this menu: Today, after picking up my daughter from school, I stopped by the market near my house to buy ingredients for cooking. It just so happened that today the market had a lot of fresh food, especially fresh pork. I bought 1 kilogram of pork and half a kilogram of pork cartilage. Before I finished shopping, it started raining heavily, making me soaked all over. But it's okay because what I got was worth getting wet in the rain.

Ingredients and Mixtures

Cartilage 500 grams
Curry paste 2 tablespoons
Shrimp paste 1 tablespoon
Fish sauce 2 tablespoons
Palm sugar 1 teaspoon
Sliced ​​kaffir lime leaves
Black pepper 1/2 tablespoon
Water 1 liter
Salt 1 teaspoon

How to make

Wash the pork bones and cut them into thin slices. Place a container on the stove, then add water. When hot, add the curry paste. Use a spatula to mix until it boils and has a fragrant smell.

Add the cartilage, mix well and wait until boiling.

Add the remaining water and simmer until the pork bones are cooked and cooked through. Season with fish sauce, palm sugar, and salt. Use a spatula to mix well. Then let it boil over low heat and add the kaffir lime leaves.

Simmer until the cartilage is bare, you will get a rich soup. When done, taste and adjust the flavor as you like.

Scoop it into a bowl and serve it. How do you like this menu, my friends? Today, I have to say goodbye for now. Bye-bye.

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