I'm back for another thoughtful stories. Hi readers and stalkers. Today topic is about a girl who is so insecure in her life. (Read My Previous Blog)


(Photo Edit By Photolab)

Don't forget, most psychopaths are the same zodiac sign like her. They will spread rumors about you at your back so never tell them secrets, they are worse than old women gossiping and they love to gossip. Why I said that? I've known him for nearly 3 years, but it took me 3 years to tell our stories. But this particular woman had written everything about what this man have gone through without meeting the parents and the brothers. Oh dear, I have known how sick the mother was but I never tell anybody about it even my best friends. Only my mother knew it when they both meet up. Even I never mention about his brother doing drugs but she did. People pleaser detected. So please, don't let her know any of your secrets because she will use it against you in the future. She is worst than me, look out for the worst zodiac sign ever.

To those who get in touch with her, as long as they think you have betrayed them or you are hurting them,you going to get stung. They want to know everything about you so they can use it against you later. Too bad you've told her about us, eventhough some are not the truth, thats why she thought she have hold the key to hurt us. But sadly to say, she can't hurt us with the ridiculous stories she have heard. Even your ex wife said so. She's like one old single woman who needs the attention. Only you know the truth about it. She is the stupid one who agreeing to it and been listening to it. Worst thing was, I write a poem and she writes a poem too. Copycat nothing personal but go find other originality on things for you to post.

They are control freaks and love to control everyone in their life. Right? Even though you are far away, they will try so hard to makes up stories so that you will get attached to them. Just like the "phone number" cased. I will never forget that night. She thought you might coming down to KL but you cancel it at first so she have to tell you on the phone that I have her phone number or else she would want to see you personally and tell you face to face. I think she felt hurt by you because the first time you have to cancel the trip to KL. Its so sick to know such woman like her becoming your friends. Sometimes they resort to extreme methods just to get you addicted to it. They love to destroy your mind and your heart. Very manipulative and will use several manipulation techniques on you. Sorry if there's any wrong grammar, maybe that makes her more uneasy and its make her harder to move on. Lol.

They are also extremely vindictive, breaking other people is normal to them. They project this " good person" persona that makes everyone fall at their feet. Because they thought they are perfect. Even reading her status displaying how perfect she thought she was but actually it shown how vurnerable she is after reading my post here. I was laughing hard when she said I was losing my beauty sleeps, is it because I write during the dawn? Should I let her know how is my schedule when Im on stage? I have to deal with human being and she have to deal with animals. Our job are not the same. Hilarious ! 4 hours job compare to your hours of job, Boo! I have forever to write as much as I want.

I know when he met you the for the first time, he already see a broken woman with low self image issues. You like to pretend to not know what your talking about. You can be boiling but always use your poker face to hide it. Like nothing ever happen. No wonder the "15days" nicknamed are so well talked by him. I appreciate that he have stop getting involve maybe because what I wrote here resonates to your character. Or maybe he might just ask you to let me be and let it go, but I know you are the one who like to sting until your dying days. So keep on writing stalker. You stalked me here, I stalked you there. No differences. Stop being delusional like you are someone important to him,you are not and never will be. Boo hoo! Even though he had left me, it took us 3 years to be apart and YOU? Easily to get rid off by him. He choose a great woman over an obsessive woman like you. Its good for him he is there now.

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