Ger-Man invites you to join Ecency

What happened with electricity.png

When I created this video for my participation in the 2nd Annual Ecency Art Contest I felt like I was transformed into a painter as he throws his brushstrokes on a canvas.

In this my creation, I wanted to capture my feelings at the moment Ecency came to me one day in January when I joined Hive.

When I heard about this contest I immediately wanted to participate and was hesitant to do so.

I made several tests, gifs, and slogans until I got this video that I love; I also came up with a Gif that has fascinated me.

So, I invite all of you to join Ecency, to come and shape, like me, your creations, and discover your potential as a content author.

As I said before, in this same content I have also added a Gif as a garnish so that it can be taken by whoever requires it without giving credits.

I hope these images are to your liking; they have been made from humility and love.

To participate in the initiative, please click here.

May the universe bless you and be an accomplice so that all your desires are fulfilled.

Separador GerMan.jpg

My entry post can be included in #assets

Separador GerMan.jpg

To create this content I have used the following tools:
  • Images taken from Ecency's Discord server in her channel assets

  • CANVA free version in which I have taken some images and made edits.

  • PIXABAY from where I took the music without copyright:

Cosmic Glow - Andrewkn

  • FILMORA is an excellent video editor.

Happy weekend! (2).gif

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