Eternal Spring

Spring cleaning, that deep cleaning that should happen more…but instead has become forever linked to the spring.
I guess it was about fresh air after being cooped inside all winter 🤷‍♂️

Here you see the last possible pile of paper work that maybe just maybe has the document i seek.

Here at Lake Atitlan in Guatemala, it is known as the land of eternal spring.
It rarely is hotter than 90% F / 32% C
Rarely colder than 55% F / 13% C.
And funny enough i wonder if i am perpetually cleaning and sorting because its always spring where i live. 😜

It feels good to purge.
Today i found a random stash of old flyers and hostel signs… thought a few were funny so before they go to the garbage i will share fhem here.

Dog culture around the lake is not like in western countries. Most people just let there dogs roam.

Which i guess is nice, but when your trying to run a cafe and random dogs come pouncing in whenever they want, not ideal for cleanliness or order, dogs love to move about in small packs, and they are rarely afraid to pop up on a table if some plate is not being attended to. So yes, we had complaints and we tried to get people to have there dogs on a leash. Lol, these signs never worked though 🤪

Found this old colorful menu from when we first opened. Dogs be like, yes please, that smells good! 🐕

We had these great salsa nights, we made a Salsa Alter, and danced our asses off! 💃

We would have guest sauna nights, but some how this translated to… Hostel Del Lago has free Sauna nights. Lol, so we had to make these signs to discourage freeloaders in the guest sauna. Lol, these signs never worked either 🤦

I got a kick out of this bathroom sign.
Most people just come and flush there toilet paper, but the Guatemalan toilets/septics cant handle the TP 🧻 and get clogged. Not nice! Just put the TP in the waste been 🙏 por favor

I’ll leave you with a photo of what we call a Molten Brownie. After a hard and long day of sorting and organizing…. Daddy deserves a treat 😋

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