The Power of Hive's Live Communities

6-week series introduction

“We Wanna Go Where Everybody Knows Your Name” 🎵

DALL·E 2024-05-09 18.12.21 - A smaller, intimate community meetup during an @buzzparty weekend in Hamburg, focusing on a few people, including several women, engaged in deep conve.webp.png

April's @buzzparty weekend in Hamburg was spectacular, thanks to @tibfox, et al. It gave me the boost I needed to refocus my Hive content ideas and restart my posting habits that were disrupted this past quarter while I shopped for another country to live, one in the UK, much better suited to my creative goals.

I'm giving a lot of thought to designing a sustainable content architecture that will withstand the winds of change. The best way I can explain what it feels like to me when I start to falter in my content creation is that I have “a glitch in my matrix”. My psyche has a default setting wherein I go quiet, stop posting, then slow my curating which inevitably leads to stopping that, too. I go rather numb, replacing the excitement of sharing my creative efforts on Hive with one of the less desirable stages, like “back to square one”, “the momentum wash-out” or perhaps the more familiar, “sh*% outta luck.”

Perhaps you have experienced this, too? The recent Buzz Party helped me notice something wonderful and surprising, just by hanging around Hivians in real time. I found that the longer they’ve been on Hive, the longer they are likely to stay on Hive and be part of its story. Having live convos with them brings you into the Hive story, too. You don't have to wait until you are a big fish!

Similarly, as I’ve been building the #CreativeWorkHr (CWH) community for going on three years, I notice that the more that I am around this nutty creative crew online every day, the less judgmental I become about my performance or lack thereof on Hive. Like a cool cup of water, that feels a helluva lot better than being in the quiet stuck place, sucking my thumb, shaming myself for being a bum. My smart mental health move is to get there, take a shy chance, and listen.

DALL·E 2024-05-09 18.11.15 - A photo-realistic illustration of a Zoom online meeting in gallery view, showing a slightly smaller group from the previous illustrations. The screen .webp.png

So, I welcome you to this, my introduction of the six-part series dedicated to the Power of Live Hive Community Interactions. I will discuss how rewarding it is to pair real-time human activities into your Hive experience. We are a social network, but we are, oh, so much more than digital pen pals! We are the heart of Hive’s readers, writers and idealists who need our fresh sets of eyes and need us to take our turns, too, trying things on the chain. This grows the body of work that makes up the Hive community content at large.

Together we are all building Hive and we all are making our marks through a myriad of roles. Some of us are just figuring out what’s going on, some are on the analytic side of things, some on the creative, but just about everyone plays in more than one sandbox. What I want to highlight in this series is the varieties of community who here. Some are the live shows of Hive, the inspiring workrooms, the special occasions, the celebrations, the casual Hive Meetups co-hosted with my buddy @steevc, the ongoing Buzz Parties and, the annual Hivefest that strengthen our overall Community both on and off chain.

DALL·E 2024-05-09 18.13.14 - A vibrant community meetup during an @buzzparty weekend in Hamburg, showing a diverse group of people engaged in animated discussions. The setting is .webp.png

So why am I making a point of this? Because I believe the secret to moving through where you are now in your Hive journey and where you see yourself going is to find places that you enjoy where the people “get it” and “get you”. But that’s not the only reason...

"You wanna go where people know,
People are all the same,
You wanna go where everybody knows your name.”

—Lyrics from “Cheers” theme by Gary Portnoy and Judy Hart Angelo

Each of the three images are created with a smooth talking @alessandrawhite at the mic and an eventually compliant DALL•E-3. Thanks for reading, upvoting, and leaving me a few words. I'm not ashamed to admit that a wee bit of encouragement or engagement makes my millenium.
Much love!
A 😘

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