Avatar Whippies 005: @wannabescrapper

First of all, I have to say how incredible it is that @wannabescrapper's avatar just happened to fall on a Name That Tune day! I think if it had been anyone else, I'd have just done the responsible thing and delayed posting until tomorrow - but this guy is a solid competitor for top NTT contestant of all time - tied only with @dandays who has mostly taken over the champion spot lately.

Anyway, in honor of all the 'scrap man has done to make naming tunes fun, I'm just gonna pull the trigger and blast this baby out into the cyberverse, etiquette and best practice be damned!

What's a Whippie!?

Ok, I've got something in the works now, that will change literally EVERYTHING.

...ok, not true...but it will could be neat.

@wannabescrapper, your avatar was the first one that challenged me to the point where I nearly gave up. You see, I'm only a novice when it comes to art, and drawing faces is particularly tough...so drawing people's avatars was perhaps a bit more than I could chew. That said, I'm thinking I'm gonna step it up a notch, which I guess would be like saying, I bit off more than I can chew, but instead of spitting it out, I think I'll see whether or not I choke to death while trying to swallow it whole.

...it wouldn't be my first food-related-brush-with-death.

Anyway, these quick and simple avatar copies I've been whipping up have been a lot of fun, but that double helix guy suggested something: "What if you tried taking your time and not doing a shitty half-assed job of these?" (I'm paraphrasing...he wasn't actually a dick about it)

Holy shit I thought...it breaks my code in every way, but it does sound like a fun way to get better at drawing. Also, it is in line with the direction things seem to be going in.

So these quick little dailies will probably slow down.

We'll call them Whippies, because they're whipped together and the name sounds cute.

In the meantime, I will divert some of my focus over to making actual quality hand drawn avatars. It's outside my skill level and breaks my proclivity for half-assing, but it seems to do so for all the right reasons. So I'm trusting my gut and DNA's on this one. (yeah lol, I did just do that)

Anyway, now you know what's going on, so let's get whippin'!

This one's for you, Scrapper!

For this one, I had to bust out an old technique I learned in my grade school art class...the grid technique! ...the grid technique enables artists of a lower caliber (Hi!) to create works above and beyond the limits of their own capabilities. I think if I am going to be a real artist someday, I will need to be able to sketch things straight out of real life...but for now, I will be doing my best to use gridlines to copy avatars for whippies and such.

I draw a grid on the original screenshot, and then the same amount of columns and rows in my blank circle, proportionate to its size. This way I can copy the contents of each square, which allows me to abstract my focus. Instead of drawing my homie and his dog, I just draw an eye, or a hand, or whatever - and then it all comes together organically...in theory anyway.

Let's get that grid nice and clean and - yep, perfect, just like that!

Now with a nice clean grid in place, I can copy my friend over, one square at a time...

@meesterboom's whippie looks shocked and offended. You know what you did. 🤣

...Next, we bring in the pooch. That's one happy looking best friend there!

Now we come in with that fire-ass Temu pen and light this bitch UP! (by darkening it lol)

...standard erasing procedure follows...

and, let there be color! ...I do all my coloring with water color pencils. ok I lied, I do a lot of my coloring with water color pencils. Sometimes I use old coffee or grass smears, tears of unicorn or even sharpie when I'm feeling particularly bougie...did I spell that right? Just kidding I don't care 🤣

And look at that! Another bang-on whippie for the books!

Remember yesterday? How there was s’posed to be some kinda extea whatever at the end of Boom’s whippie? It took a long time, but it was ready in time for this one…don’t get too excited though, it’s just a little practice recording.

I’m going to be doing a singing contest in town soon -

(well, it was soon when I drafted this. Turns out it's actually tonight, so wish me luck I guess...I wore my Hive shirt and everything - now I just gotta pick a song!)

-so I played a few songs just to help me decide what to audition with. I was thinking originally @rorykl could post them all and put it up for a vote, but the whole idea became a real pain when I thought about execution, so I decided against it...and of course now it's the day of and I haven't chosen or practiced a song really...classic half-assed Albus-style!

Anyway, figured I could post a few of these rough recordings here with my whippies!

Today we have:

Fire Away, by Chris Stapleton...

...in the middle of the night in my garage because, why not?


Thanks for checking out some more of my work! As always, I hope you enjoyed witnessing as much as I enjoyed creating!

© Photos and words by @albuslucimus, except where otherwise indicated.

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