AZL Reputation, 61 -> 62

I’m still learning the ropes here. As such, I’m not entirely sure what reputation implies, but some one early on indicated to me that it may be a calculation which factors in the votes you’ve received.

I think it was someone complaining about downvotes dropping their reputation.

Anyway, anyone here who knows me knows I’m here for the flutes, and for the awesome friends; that crypto gains and reputation scores are always going to be secondary to fair and honest self-expression…after all, what good is it to make friends on false pretenses? The friends I make, they are getting to know me, in all my weirdness, and that means the most to me.

Here is a picture I found of friends doing normal friend stuff:
Photo by Allison Ragsdale

With a all that said, I want to say, of course I wouldn’t be making periodic Hive updates if these other aspects meant nothing to me. I really love watching my account grow, I love finding new people to follow, and I love seeing new people find me and fall in love with the soulful voices of the flutes.


Today’s update? Of course my reputation has incremented! I noticed it on Friday, on my work computer over my lunch break - it had gone up to 62! …but I came back, closed and reopened the app, and alas, still 61. So I thought, it’s just a delay. Then, I updated the website on the PC, and it went back to 61 - so I decided it was either a glitch or I was catching a few downvotes and teetering on the edge.


Then, Saturday morning it was there - a glorious two on the tail end of my six! So, I have no idea how it happened or what it means, but this weekend my friends, I climbed up one more rung of the reputation ladder!

As I contemplated the possible logic, I remembered that recently I had received a mention for the achievement of distributing 15,000 upvotes.


So maybe this incremented reputation score meant I had crossed over that next line at 20,000…but then, why not Hive Buzz notification?


At this point, I know enough to know that there does exist a blockchain explorer, and I probably could glean some more details if I took the time to learn how to use this tool, but without doing so, these advancements continue to remain a mystery.

…and to be honest, I am at peace with that. It’s cool to see that it grows over time. Seeing how long I stayed at 61, it makes me admire the hard work that’s gone into all the accounts with 65 or even 70+ reputation scores. For me, I suppose it will just keep growing because I enjoy being here so much!

Thanks for checking out some more of my work! As always, I hope you enjoyed witnessing as much as I enjoyed creating!

© Photos and words by @albuslucimus, except where otherwise indicated.


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Here you’ll find links to various post-groupings, so you can find all posts related to a specific topic quickly. Topics include lists of brewing recipes, different flutes, rucking posts and an index of all acoustic covers. The lists are updated as new content is added, so they can always be used to quickly navigate my content.



Use my Coinbase referral link to get started with Coinbase! I’ll get $10 in Bitcoin but, more importantly, you will get $10 in Bitcoin too!

Here is a post I did recently about using Coinbase with HiveWallet to get Hive in the US. If you’re wanting to buy Hive and are having difficulties, this may be helpful for you!



img_4689.pngMy Flutes



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