LOH182: Managing the stress that comes with the job

When it comes to handling job stress, I try to take a proactive approach to maintain my well-being. I prioritize self-care by setting boundaries, taking breaks when needed, and practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing or mindfulness. Additionally, I make an effort to communicate openly with my supervisor or colleagues about workload concerns or deadlines to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

While I generally deal with job stress well, there have been times when it has caused health discomfort or tension within the family. During particularly busy periods, I may experience physical symptoms like headaches or fatigue, which can affect my overall well-being. Additionally, the stress of work can sometimes spill over into my personal life, leading to tension or irritability with loved ones.

I am a teacher by profession so I have to always be at work during school periods. But if given a job that will require me working in an office, I would prefer to do my office work from home. Remote work offers flexibility and allows me to create a more comfortable and conducive environment for productivity. It also eliminates the stress of commuting and provides a better work-life balance, allowing me to spend more time with family and engage in self-care activities.

images are mine.

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