What Makes A Life, Meaningful (LOH 200)

A life that has meaning. It all depends, on what means the most to you in life. Be it your family/friends, your profession, your possessions, your passions, how you fill your days. Everyone is different, we all prioritize different things and live different lives.

For me, I strive to be the best I can be, yeah I know that may seem a little cheesy, to become the best version of myself. But, if I am, then I can do my best at being a parent,a friend, a lover, I can do the things that give my life meaning. The things that nurture me and in turn nurture those around me.


What am I if not a part of nature. To share this exchange with the wonderful world, the air I breathe out, taken in by the trees, returned to me in pure form. This cyclic relationship that keeps me connected. The energy I share, when I walk barefoot on the earth. The energy I create and put out into the world.

The connections I make. The relationships that I have built, that I have made. With not only the wonderful people in my life, but also with the animals and plants, that I get to have in my life. The relationship I have with nature, a relationship that has supported me throughout my whole life. A relationship that continues to nurture me. That drives me, to do better, to live better. To live minimally.


To be honest there are many things that give my life meaning, my children being top of the list, they are my world. My everything. I constantly strive to do better, to be better, to in effect make the world a better place, a better place for them to live in. Being in service to the earth, which nurtures us all.

To give my life meaning, it's also a responsibility I have. It's all a choice at the end of the day and I choose to live my life a certain way.


Today, many many people live lives, that are far from simple.
Our lives have become more complicated, with so many hoops put in place, that you need to jump through, in order to live comfortably within society. I chose a simpler life. One where I have little ties with the system. Where I can live a freer life.

So do I live a meaningful life? Hell yes. I take pride in it. Because at the end of the day, everything we do, holds meaning. It's our choice whether that meaning is a positive one or not. We get to choose to live a life where or actions, send out ripples of love out into the world, or not. Of course it's not always possible to do so, but we can choose to live from a place of love and embrace whatever comes our way. It's the things we do, that make it meaningful.

This is my response to one of the two questions from the Ladies Of Hive Community Contest. This is the 200 question, which is a wonderful achievement, that has connected so many of the wonderful Women here on hive. Where we get to share with one another, interact with one another. I am very happy to be a part of this wonderful community. Congrats @ladiesofhive.

(The photos used in my post are mine.)

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