Inspiratory ✨

Am a girl who so much enjoyed my childhood. Although I didn't often play the regular tier-bicycle or cook with a tomato cup full of sand with sticks, bathing in the rain and other interesting plays found mostly in the rural areas.

Remember I said “often” That means I once upon a time cooked sand with my tin tomato cup as a form of

But aside from these, my fun moments were numerous and that's one thing my younger siblings didn't enjoy. Sometimes when I look at them, I honestly imagine a switch miracle where I could be them and them be me so they could have a fill.

My parents gave lots of gap space between us with a 16-year age difference between their last child and myself.
By the way, my wishes are absurd since I wouldn't love to go back to being a child and receive mummy’s steady beating😅. Yeah, I crave every other thing aside from that.

Image by on Freepik

Again, my wish is absolutely impossible. Well, being that I am the only girl among 4 brothers, my younger ones had long ago declared their dislike of coming as a female in their next life. So it's absolutely impossible without agreement.

However, my siblings unknowingly became my inspiration. They're already a responsibility via seniority but they became an inspiration since I really hope to give them a comfortable life which can only happen with hard work.

Thinking of them gave me a strong will to double up. Also, my little struggle in life indirectly inspired me. Especially in a situation where I met persons who had gone through hunger strikes probably for a day and more.. As one who had once been in such shoes, there's 100% will to offer help and believe me when I say, the dream is big for people of that kind.

I don't wish for a comfortable life for two or ten individuals only, I aim for a life that goes beyond comfort while lending assistance to thousands counting millions of those who deserve it.

And all these bases could only be achieved through hard work, the reminder of these thoughts had definitely turned my inspiration.

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