A successful woman and her traits:///contest ladies of Hive#89

Hi Everyone, this is my entry into the contest ladies of Hive#89 The question is about the traits of a successful woman.
To whom we will consider a successful lady, a successful politician, a successful businesswoman, a lawyer, or anyone else🤔.Is a woman who is successful before us successful in her life?? What is the real success of a woman?
A successful woman should be satisfied and happy in her life. Let us think about whether we are all happy in our lives or not. Are we doing well, does anyone love and care for us??

Successful as a whole:
A successful woman takes all the things in a manageable way. A successful woman is successful in her whole life. She manages her life and cares about time management. She divides her time between her job and home. She is flexible with circumstances, she is a decision-maker, and she knows what to do next if there are any hurdles, she does not lose anything to become rigid. She has strong nerves. She takes time, relaxes her mind, and makes a decision.

Takes care of her health:
A successful woman is intelligent and talented. She works hard to polish her skills. She takes care of her health. She knows that hard work can damage her health so she takes a healthy diet and healthy habits. She does not make herself addicted to anything which harms her. She searches for better opportunities in her life. It is not easy to conquer a strong lady. She identifies her values, and she does not allow anyone to play with her emotions. She cares only about those who deserve it.

Strong lady:
A successful woman is strong enough to fight the hardships of life. We all know that the life of a woman is not easy. She has to face hurdles in life. To be successful in her life she should be strong mentally and physically. If she would waste her time just weeping for anyone, none will care for her. She should love herself.

Try to be independent:
Every woman should try her best to be independent (completely or at least to some extent ). If she will beg for a penny then how does she consider that anyone will respect her? A woman is successful if she starts neglecting the thing that she belongs to the weak sex and she can do nothing in her life. She should practice different things in her life, and get the awareness of everything.
Protects herself:
The world is full of cruel wolves, she should not become a delicious snack and get into their mouth. A successful woman knows her values. She doesn't get out of her tracks. She makes a motive and follows the right path to reach her destination

I want to invite my friend @ayesha-malik to this contest of @ladiesofhive.I hope you have enjoyed this blog of mine. If you disagree feel free to tell me in the comments
Thank you to read

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