Ladies of Hive Community Contest #125 : my views on euthanasia

Hi girls

I am very happy to come back here to publish my new post in this beautiful community, and I really noticed that you also organise some interesting contests, and I think that it is the most beautiful thing in a community to be able to share one's point of view on so many topics, because this can certainly be a reason for confrontation but above all also the right way to understand how this topic, in this case euthanasia, is dealt with in one's country of origin.

With regard to euthanasia, I agree with this way of dying, or rather I want to bring you my direct testimony on the disease of my grandmother, who died just a few years ago, for several years she was sick with Alzheimer's disease, a disease that surely many of you know, and unfortunately degenerative way that turns off parts of the brain, the person initially begins to forget the new things but then over time no longer remember even the basic things that he has learned in his life, leading the person has a continuous suffering, and constantly feel sick.

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This disease usually doesn't last for many years and leads to death fairly quickly, but in the case of my grandmother it lasted more than 10 years, even in the last few years she was practically a vegetable, always lying on the bed and only feeding herself with drips because she was no longer able to eat and chew her food, of course this led to enormous suffering in her, also because in more than one case we had to take her to hospital because she was no longer able to swallow, a lot of food ended up in her lungs, creating enormous infections.

This situation, which I experienced first hand, made me understand why so many people in Italy choose this end of life, they want to put an end to this suffering, and I am quite convinced that my grandmother would have also made this choice if she could have, more than anything else because she didn't suffer on her own but she made the whole family suffer a bit, including my mother, in fact she took some exhaustion to take care of her.

Unfortunately, I don't know how it works around the world, but in Italy there is no specific law on euthanasia, in fact many people from Italy choose to go and die in Switzerland, precisely because I have understood that in the medical state there are clinics specialised in this matter, in the past there has been in the past there is still some political movement that tries to make the institutions aware of this problem that needs to be addressed, but as usual in Italy they think of other things and don't give a damn.

The only thing that currently exists, and which was legislated again in 2015, is the possibility of going to your municipality and declaring a living will, i.e. making a declaration that in the event of a serious accident, for example, there will be no pharmaceutical or therapeutic intervention against you, so let's say they will let the machines be disconnected, and then appointing a person to execute this will.

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The only thing is that unfortunately, as often happens in Italy, practically very few people have benefited from this law, and even in my small municipality where I live, let's say it was quite embarrassing because they didn't even know what it was about, even though the law had already existed for several years.

So in the end, I am in favour of authanasia But I believe that the person must choose this when they are still capable of intending so that when something happens or an illness occurs there is already a declaration ready to be executed, it doesn't make sense for a person to live all these years with the illness and continue to suffer because it makes the people who love them suffer.

Thank you for reading I hope I have made my point and I always hope that politics will intervene because we need a law as soon as possible.

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