My Favourite Part About This Time of Year and How I Would Spend One Million Dollars (Ladies of Hive Contest)

Hello everybody! I'm Julia and this is my first post in this community. Both questions seemed very interesting to me, so I will try to answer them all.

My entry in the Ladies on Hive contest (1).png

What is your favorite thing about this time of year?

The main thing for me here is to stop in time, because I love autumn incredibly. There are a huge number of reasons for this. I'll probably start with the fact that this is a period when you can walk quietly at almost any time of day, and not, as in summer - only in the evening. The air temperature allows you to get your favorite sweaters, go to the park and drink hot cocoa or mulled wine right on the bench watching the colorful leaves fly to the ground.


Oh yes, the view of the trees also fascinates me. This is a huge set of different colors. From the usual green to dark brown. I love to collect leaves of different colors and form autumn bouquets during this period.

This is the time of year when I was born. Birthday is always nice. Despite the fact that the figure of your age is growing. It's still fun and enjoyable.


And it was at this time of year that I first met my loved one four years ago. And a year ago, in the fall, I moved to Odessa to live with this same person. That is why autumn is a special time of the year for me, when incredible and pleasant events in my life happened, which fill me with happiness.

How would you spend one million dollars?

First of all, if I suddenly had a million dollars, I would first check to see if it was a dream! 😂

And to be serious, the list I have is quite large, what would I do with this money. Probably for a start, I solved the issue with my own home, because I'm tired of paying rent for an apartment. I want my own apartment where you can make good repairs, arrange everything as you want and not worry about anything.

Photo Source - turbosquid

Ideally, you can buy two apartments and rent a second to someone to get a stable monthly payment.
Next, I would arrange operation for my beloved to replace her knee joints. These two points are the most important for me today.
Also, I would help my parents financially so that my dad didn't have to work so hard.
But of what was left, I would probably invest some money in some shares of companies, buy cryptocurrency, and try to open my own pub.

Photo Source - pixabay

Oh yes! There is another point I would like to implement - helping homeless animals. Rather, the volunteers who do them. For example, it would organize the sterilization of cats and dogs or treatment. And ideally, I would invest money in building a shelter for animals.

Photo Source - lovetherapyforanimals

Blog must invite another woman to the community

I want to invite here such a girl - @oloryende, who writes interesting posts on various topics.

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