Ladies of Hive Community Contest #86 - When I am in trouble...

I think that I would have to say my husband. He has been there through all of the ups and downs of our life together. He has always been there to listen, support me, encourage me, help me out with things around the house, etc. We were high school sweethearts and have been married for 5 years. It is nice to know that he will be there for me no matter what.

When I was sick he came over and cleaned up after me and took care of the kids so that I could rest. He was also very supportive while I went through the treatments and surgeries. He never once made me feel bad about myself or judged me. He knew how much it meant to me to have him by my side and supported me every step of the way.

When my mother had her stroke my husband stepped in and helped with everything. He cooked meals, did laundry, and took care of the kids so that my mom could focus on getting better.

He does this often. If someone is sick or hurt he makes sure that they are taken care of. He doesn't just do it because he loves me, he does it because he cares about everyone else.

That is why he is my number one :)


He works hard at his job so that we can afford the bills and put food on the table. He is a great father to our kids. He plays with them and takes them places like the zoo, the park, and the movies. They love going with daddy.

He is a good listener. He listens to me complain about work and how much I hate my boss. He listens to me vent about my family and how they drive me crazy. He listens to me talk about my friends and what they're doing in their lives.

He is kind and caring. When I'm sick he brings me soup and popsicles. When I get mad he holds me until I calm down. He is a good friend and a great husband.

I am so lucky to have found him and I don't know what I would do without him.

So if something ever happened to me he would be the first person I called. He is a wonderful man who has always been there for me.

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