I would prefer working from home as a freelancer - LOH Contest #199

Hello beautiful #ladiesofhive,am glad to take part in this week's contest.
And to answer if i would preferred freelance job to working outside the home.


All jobs are interesting and enjoyable when time management is at it best.
but sadly only few are favoured to have great jobs with a better time management.
Also, circumstances and situations would largely affect our choices of a house job or an office job.
Personally,i am someone who loves my space and i really enjoy my time and wouldn't trade it easily.
if am asked,i'll gladly choose working at home as a freelance than working outside the home.
because of some of benefits of freelance jobs.

  • Time management,and it flexibility.
    Working at home gives me the option to work at my best mood,hence high level of productivity.

  • My second most important reasons why i prefer working at home is because i am a mother and as a mother,i need more time to attend to my children's needs.
    Due to the flexibility of working at home, i'll be able to take care of my children, myself and my family.
    which is the best way to balance my work around my personal life.

  • It can also be a bonus to my health,
    working from home gives me the space and control to reduce stress.
    It also helps me to know when am strong enough for the job,when to get started and when to rest.
    As a mother the best job for me is the freelance job, because of all the freedom i can get and the time to attend to my family.

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