LoH Contest #116 Off to Amsterdam


I got busy attending to my responsibilities that I failed to make time for this community. Adulting is no joke and I think I would go crazy if I couldn't handle it properly. From working to budgeting to saving. Everything seems to be taxing to do especially when you only have enough. There isn't a possibility anymore to have fun and enjoy.

Sometimes it would affect our mood for the day. No matter how we want to maintain a cool temperament, we just can't avoid being worried about life's challenges. For this reason, I want to escape and move to another city. It doesn't matter how far for as long as it's a new place then it would be great for me.

When it comes to escape, Amsterdam instantly comes to my mind. In the movies, I like how intricately clean the place is. Plus the tulips and the view of a wide range of flowers appeal to me. I think life isn't fast-paced as there are bicycles in the streets. I would love to ride on one and stop by a cafe and enjoy my coffee. Oh, I can only imagine what life would be like.

If I'm not mistaken, I can also visit the house or at least the place or spot where Anne Frank used to hide before. I have read the Diary and I'm curious as to how the hiding place has provided comfort for her and her family for a long time.

Above all, the place is ideal for a fresh start. I want to move to a place where no one knows me. I think I need a new place to reboot and a new chance to start my life by making my own choices. That is my dream and until then, I would continue hoping and working to get there. I'm off to doing things that would make me better. I'm excited and hopeful for what's in store for me in the coming days and years.

Thanks for reading. Until then.

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