Unplanned Plans - LOH #129

It's been a while since I did something for the Holy Week. My family used to go to Bicol for a Holy Family tradition. When I started working at a call center company, working on holidays are not new to me. Since 2016, I haven't spent Holy Week elsewhere aside from working. Now that I am a full-time wife and stay-at-home mom for 2 years now, I still haven't done or been anywhere during Holy Week.

April is also my birth month. I would like to spend my birthday with my family this year. I asked my husband not to celebrate my birthday on the day itself as he still has work duty. Good thing the following week was his days off. Here's how we spent our Holy Week.

Good Friday

Visita Iglesia
This is a Filipino practice during Holy Week to visit at least 7 (or 14) churches and pray.



We left our house a little bit later than scheduled and ended up only visiting 5 churches.

  • Our Lady of Guadalupe church
  • St. Joseph Parish
  • St. Vincent Ferrer catholic church
  • Metropolitan Cathedral of our Lord's Transfiguration
  • Our Lady of Fatima Parish Church

It was our first time doing this panata, my husband and I weren't religious enough to do this regularly but both of us agreed that we should do this during Holy Week. There's something about churches that eases us

Easter Sunday

Easter Egg Hunt
My husband and I discussed whether we should participate in their office's Easter Egg Hunt event. We thought we are too late to register and decided to drop by and watch the event instead. I was getting a little bit pissed because I want to plan or schedule ahead of time but my husband was so spontaneous enough to decide on the day itself.


Good thing they still let us join and we were not hoping to get easter eggs, we only wanted to get the loot or toys for children for the said event. It's a happy meal hahaha!

Look at this happy baby!


The Easter Egg hunt ended at lunchtime and we decided to go to a resort nearby to chill and celebrate my birthday.

My baby used to love soaking in the waters before but now she seemed scared even if she has floaters.



It's been almost 3 months of LDR and we took advantage to have family time during the Holy Week.


Hey, it's nice to participate here again! This is my entry to Ladies of Hive Community Contest #129

Spring is here. And it’s Easter or Passion week, religious or not, what were your special plans this week did you and your family accomplish

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