Arranging Wildflowers For My Balcony

Hello dear Hivers!

As I went for a walk last Friday, I picked wildflowers along the pathway that has become wild . They are not the endangered plants, they just grow wild on the fields. And sooner when the wheats are being harvested, the tractor will plow both sides of the pathway. It was like this every year about July when part of the pathway became so wild because of the tall grasses. And I was wondering, how could they mow that area where the insects are in abundance, my goodness they will lose their habitat.


Who doesn't want to be surrounded by flowers and all those scents from them. Here, I will show you how I decorated my sitting area on the balcony. Two years ago we downsized from a row house with 4 bedrooms to a new flat with 2 bedrooms. I have had a garden before where we lived for almost 29 years. The time came that we decided to move to a smaller home because we could not do the maintenance of everything from within the house as well as the garden. And so we are here in a new complex, our flat has a balcony where I do my container gardening. I love to be surrounded with greens and flowers.


The flowers grow in between the tall grasses and I have gathered some of the most beautiful wildflowers along the pathway. These wild ones are so plentiful that all the insects will still have their fiestas sipping the nectars of the blooms in the area.


Most of the flowers I picked have blue, violet, pink and white in colors. I also picked elders from a bush as well as wild geraniums.


Now that the table and chairs are out, I cleaned them, added the pillows, searched for a matching cloth that matches the vase as well. The vase by the way is from my pot collection [below image], I simply choose the right size for the bunch of flowers. I think the blue ceramic decor gives a contrast to the whole flower arrangements, don´t you think so?




My balcony might be small (16 sqm) but it is enough for the old aged like us, lol. We live a simple life, but maintaining a garden for 28 years has been too much work and we are no longer prepared to risk our health.


We will surely enjoy the blooms on my balcony and we will spend more free time just enjoying our hobbies. We travel part of the year to Andalusia (Southern Spain) and stay there to escape cold Central Europe. Well, we have the time in the world and we are no longer corporate slaves, hahaha.

Neuer Ordner.jpg


I wish you all a lovely Tuesday, keep safe .....I´ll see you around!

All images are owned by the author, @mers

GIF by @Gremayo.gif
GIF by @gremayo

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