Ladies of Hive Community Contest #139[Eng/Esp]


A wonderful week to all of you, may it be a week full of successes and may it not stop you from jumping up and down with the happiness that you have been waiting for.

Take stock of your life and share it with us.

Taking stock of your life really does go unnoticed. We don't stop to reflect on it. We spend our days taking stock of other things, leaving this one aside.

From the biological point of view, I feel that I only dedicated myself to the physical part in sports and results in my studies in my youth. I dedicated 60% to study and 40% to sport...this was linked to the biological wellbeing that was obtained as a result of the activities carried out at that time.

The biological processes of the age were summed up in that. As time went by, the dedication towards which each activity was focused was work and study followed there as well. Here the balance was 50%/50% dedication.

With the passage of time this dedication and numbers change. The focus shifted to taking care of the little ones and the dedication to my biological part was reduced. Only them. I can say that at that time 30% of my time was spent on the biological side, 70% on the other side.


As for the psychological, it is an aspect that we often don't stop to think about or pay attention to. The psychological was a function of being autonomous. You have to do this, that's the way it is and that's how things happened. When I was younger, the psychological aspect can be 40%, even though I did a lot of reading that had to do with self-esteem, personal relationships and other subjects of this type.

Maybe at that time they were not very important, but as the years went by, they became important again. I think now, if I am well and at peace, those around me will be relieved to be by my side...I spend 60% of my time accepting myself, observing my thoughts, self-observing myself to realise those aspects that I don't like in others and that I need to improve in myself. We are human and sometimes, no matter how aware we are, the intellect doesn't play one of its tricks and makes us doubt.


Talking about the social, yes I like to share, when I was young I used to share a lot of walks, and others like conversations. This has changed over the years and according to the roles that we decide. As a mother, I dedicated 80% of my time to my children with each of the activities I did.

Everything has changed so much, because of the economy, the changes in the country, that sharing has decreased a lot.

I still like to share with others, but now the detail is that my mother is with me and I owe myself to her attention. This social part, I can say that 25% of me is still there...when I can, I leave space to be able to get together to talk and share with others.

This kind of balance is necessary to check how we are doing and how we can strengthen ourselves according to the analysis we can make.

Translator DeepL
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Una semana maravillosa para todos, sea una semana llena de èxitos que no paren los brincos de la felicidad al darse eso que tanto esperastes.

Haz un balance general de tu vida y compártelo con nosotros

Hacer un balance de la vida de verdad que en muchas ocasiones pasa desapercibido. No nos detenemos a reflexionar ante esto. Se nos va los dìas haciendo balances de otros tipos dejando èste a un lado.

Desde el punto de vista biológico, siento que solo me dedicaba a la parte fìsica en deportes y resultados enlos estudios en la edad de la juventud. Dedicaba un 60% al estudio y 40% al deporte...esto ligado al bienestar biològico que se obtenìa como resultado por las actividades realizadas en ese momento.

Los proceso biològicos la edad se resumian en eso. Con el paso del tiempo la dedicaciòn hacia donde se enfocaba cada actividad era lo laboral y seguìa el estudio allì tambièn. Aquì el balance era un 50%/50% de dedicaciòn.

Con el paso del tiempo esta dedicaciòn y nùmeros cambia. El enfoque se iba a atender a los màs pequeños y la dedicaciòn a mi parte biològica era reducuda. Sòlo ellos. Puedo decir que en ese tiempo 30% lo biològico, 70% pendiente de otros.


En cuanto a lo psicológico, es un aspecto que muchas veces no nos detenemos a pensar o prestar atenciòn. Lo psicòlogico se daba en funciòn de ser autòmata. Hay que hacer esto, es por allì y asì se daban las cosas. De màs joven lo psicològico puede ser un 40%, a pesar que realizaba muchas lecturas que tenìan que ver con la autoestima, relaciones personales y otros temas de este tipo.

Quizàs en esos momentos no eran de mucha importancia, lo que con el paso de los años retomò su debida puesto. Pienso ahora, si estoy bien y en paz los que me rodean sentiràn alivio al estar a mi lado...dedico un 60% a aceptarme, observar mis pensamientos, autoobservarme para darme cuenta de esos aspectos que no me agradan de otros y debo mejorar en mi. Somos humanos y a veces por màs conscientes que estemos el intelecto no juega una de las suyas y nos pone a dudar.


Conversando sobre lo social, si me gusta compartir, de joven compartìa mucho de paseos, y otras como conversaciones. Esto fue cambiando con el paso de los años y de acuerdo a los roles que vamos decidiendo. De madre, dedicada un 80% a mis hijos con cada una de las actividades que realizaba.

Todo a cambiado tanto, por lo econòmico, los cambios en el paìs, esos compartires han bajado mucho.

Me sigue gustando compartir con otros, ahora el detalle es que mi madre està conmigo y me debo a su atenciòn. Esta parte social puedo decir que un 25% , asì està...cuando puedo dejo espacio para poder reunirme para conversar y compartir con otros.

Este tipo de balance es necesario para revisarnos como vamos y como podemos fortalecernos de acuerdo a los analisis que podemos hacer.

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