Fostering Relationships Through Amicable Conversations (LOH #202)

"A friendship made through amicable conversations may last forever if it is carefully nurtured"

If you want to be understood by someone, then you must open up a path first to be understood. Nowadays, I've realized that many people disregard having a good quality conversation, I mean most of us already have our smartphones and gadgets which may somehow prevent us from focusing on the conversation that we have with other people.

I've also experienced it many times, being distracted by the vibration of notification in the middle of the conversation but somehow I've realized that this kind of act is a very disrespectful one to the person I conversed with that's why I've been trying to keep myself from holding a phone from time to time.

I've learned in a certain subject in class that I had during my previous year in college, that to have effective communication both the speaker and the receiver should be attentive to listen and engage with each other even if there could be a lot of disrupting barriers. I must say that I've gained a lot in that class and I've learned to give more value to the conversations that I have with other people, especially to my classmates since they're the ones that I must have to face four times a week.

I think that for us to enhance the quality of our interactions with others, we must learn to foster connection, understanding, and mutual respect with one another. It goes beyond mere exchange of information for it can hardly be called a conversation in such it should involve genuine participation, where both parties feel heard, valued, and understood.

Based on experience, I've learned that one of the key elements of holding out a conversation is the fact that I should be willing to listen genuinely and have this undying curiosity within the one that I'm talking with, I often use this method whenever I try to listen to my mother's rants and her dailychika about life, whenever I try to give her engaging questions she'd be more willing to answer and that's how our conversation would go on, in that way, I'd be able to hear more and relate to her stories.

At school, I've also fostered a good relationship with those of my classmates. I had this one friend that I'd only met in college and during our first year in college we were not that close with each other but through an endless conversation on the bus on our way home, we learned to discover each other preferences about people and we even got to talk about a lot of different matters. Consecutively, we would first talk about our daily hurdles in school and our frustrations, later on, it would be followed by a conversation about our family and our childhood memories, she was a very vibrant person and I've always appreciated how she would carry on our conversation, if I must say, I'm more of a listener than a speaker whenever I'm with her. I mean she had a lot of interesting stories and I could find only myself giggling and laughing throughout our conversation. There was no dull moment when I was with and we also had our fair share of embarrassing moments together whenever we went through a walk.

I've already considered her as someone whom I cherish a lot and I always look forward to the times that we're gonna spend together in the future, I was interested in her mainly because she looks so intimidating and she's quite hard to be close with but then as I've got to know her, my first impression had already vanished and all I could say now was that she's nice person with a lot of vulnerabilities that makes me respect her even more.

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