Hive community spotlight #26: Featuring @wittyzell


Hello and welcome to Hive Community Spotlight #26! We're thrilled to have the incredible @wittyzell joining us this week! Through our conversations, we'll learn about her passions, insights and experiences , and explore what makes her a valued member of our community.
So stay tuned, get comfortable, and let's dive into an amazing interview with @wittyzell!"

But first here is a summary of who she is and what to expect from today:

Who is @wittyzell

@wittyzell is a dynamic member of the Hive community known for her multifaceted interests and contributions. Based in Japan, she balances her professional life as a software engineer with her passions for food hunting, traveling, and engaging with the Hive community. She joined Hive after being invited by a friend and has since become an integral part of various Hive projects and communities.


Here's a summarized info about @wittyzell

LocationTokyo, Japan
Joined HiveApril 2022
ProfessionSoftware Engineer
InterestsFood hunting, traveling, anime, Japanese language learning
Hive ContributionsDeveloper of @kembot, founder of JP Study Hub, moderator in multiple communities, OCD onboarder, Hive Pakistan curator
Favorite Food/Travel ExperienceTendo Onsen Hotel and Ginzan Onsen in Japan
Japanese Dish RecommendationKani Miso
Next Interview Suggestion@adamada, @krios003, or @incublus


Interview with @wittyzell


Can you tell us more about your background and what inspired you to join Hive?


I'm a software engineer on weekdays and a foodie and traveler on weekends. I code during the day and watch anime or drama, or do Hive stuff at night. I joined Hive because of an invitation from @danaperez. She told me about Hive in a quick 15-minute call, but before that call, I was already researching a lot about Hive, reading blogs from people here and there. It was very easy to convince me because I was bored at the time and thought of restarting my blog on Wordpress. The restart didn't happen because I found Hive more exciting and more engaging.


Your blog mentions you are a food hunter and laidback traveler. What are some of your favorite food and travel experiences so far?


I have a lot of favorites, but probably the best that stood out was when I went to Tendo Onsen Hotel for their food and onsen. It was a very quiet town in the countryside of Japan, and I learned a lot there. I liked the onsen! The food was superb and so perfect for that winter night! I wrote about it in this blog. Another was Ginzan Onsen, which they say is inspired by a Ghibli film. It was hard to go there, but we were lucky to find a way. We didn't stay the night, but it was overall nice! It's one of the places ticked off from my bucket list.


You write about various topics, including anime and Japanese language learning. What sparked your interest in these areas?


Ever since I got exposed to anime, I liked it and still watch a lot of anime in my free time to take away my stress. I just like Japanese overallโ€”the anime, the culture, the people, and the language. Some say once you live in Japan, you'll change your mind, but not for me.


Are you originally from Japan, or did you move there from another country? If you moved, what motivated your relocation?


I'm from the Philippines and moved to Japan 6 years ago. One day I got referred by my friend for a job here in Japan, so I took the interview and passed it. 2.5 months after that interview, I was living on my own in Japan. During that time, I was also applying for a job in another country, but Japan has 4 seasons! It's exciting to live in different seasons since we don't have that in my country or in the other country I was applying to.


What has your experience been like learning Japanese? Do you have any tips for others who are also trying to learn the language?


I learned Japanese more than a decade ago, and well, Japanese language and I have a love-hate relationship. I love it, but it hates me. When I hate it, the language comes and loves me. It's never easy to learn a new language, but as long as you're motivated and inspired to at least spare a little bit of your time every day, then you're okay. Learn every dayโ€”either by flashcards, listening to Japanese songs, watching anime in their original Japanese sound, or anything as long as you incorporate Japanese into your daily life. It will surely help in learning!


How do you engage with your followers and the Hive community? What do you find most rewarding about it?


I'm not sure if the people I engage with are my followers or not, but I just like talking with people on or off chain. When I read people's blogs and find them very informative or fun, I always leave a comment. Sometime later, I'll find them in Discord servers.


Are there any projects or communities you're actively involved in? Tell us about them.


I'm a developer of @kembot, originally an anti-abuse bot but now it has evolved into something more. It's also the dedicated bot for the Hive PH community on Hive for its curation and other functions. Other communities can also use it for anti-abuse and some other features. I started the JP Study Hub community on Hive together with a friend so we can have a place to post about learning the Japanese language. I'm also a mod of The Anime Realm community, for all anime-related stuff, and Hive PH, the Filipino community on Hive. I'm also an OCD onboarder, so when I have time, I share the good news of Hive with other people. Recently, I became a curator for Hive Pakistan because of a collaboration between Hive PH and Hive Pakistan.


You have a significant following on Hive. What advice would you give to new users who are trying to build their audience?


Be real. You don't have to pretend; just be the authentic you when communicating. And don't forget to engage with people on or off chain. Content creation and content consumption go hand in hand. I wasn't checking my followers count, but I count the people I know and talked to based on their posts or comments. I always try to be friendly and sociable here on Hive; not sure if that helps, but I guess it does.


If you could visit any place in the world for a food or travel adventure, where would it be and why?


Not counting Japan, I would love to go to South Korea and Thailand. I love Korean food! I'm probably influenced by a lot of Korean dramas I've watched. Thailand seems like a good place to visit in Southeast Asiaโ€”for their food and for their culture. I'm not so familiar with Thai food except for a few like gapao and mango sticky rice, so I would love to go on a food trip there!


What's one Japanese dish you think everyone should try at least once?


Kani Miso! It's a grayish paste-like texture made from crab innards. At first, I found it weird, but now I love it! I wouldn't leave a sushi place without ordering kani miso sushi.

IMG_2247_Original.jpg Photo of Kani Miso by @wittyzell


Who would you like to see interviewed next in our Hive Community Spotlight series?


I can't choose just one because I think these people are great! @adamada or @krios003 or @incublus ๐Ÿ™‚



Community/Project Highlight

@wittyzell is actively involved in several Hive projects and communities:

@kembot: Originally an anti-abuse bot, it now offers various functions, including curation for the Hive PH community.

JP Study Hub: A community focused on learning the Japanese language.

The Anime Realm: A community for all anime-related content.

Hive PH: The Filipino community on Hive, where she serves as a moderator.

OCD Onboarder: Helps new users learn about Hive and get started. Learn about @ocd onboarding program

Hive Pakistan Curator: Collaborates with Hive Pakistan for curation and community support.



Final Thoughts

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to @wittyzell for sharing her inspiring journey and insights with us. Her dedication to her passions and contributions to the Hive community are truly commendable. Be sure to check out her blog for more engaging content and stay tuned for more interviews in our Hive Community Spotlight series!



Special thanks to:


For their valuable support. See you all in the next edition ๐Ÿค—

View Previous interviews here ๐Ÿ‘‡


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