My best memories - Ladies of Hive Community Contest #132 ( Esp - Eng)

Hello my dear friends of hive, a warm greeting to all. It is a pleasure for me to be in Ladies of Hive, for a long time I have not made a publication for this community, however I have discovered this wonderful contest, beforehand I tell you, I really like to participate in them fill me with much enthusiasm.

Thankful to our partner and moderator @irenenavarroart, for her brilliant participation. Reading the two questions took me back in time, so many memories, so many experiences, incalculable, it is true

1️⃣ Material things are not the most valuable thing in life, however, there are material things that bring joy to our days.

When I was ten my grandmother Carmen traveled from Anaco to Cumana to visit us, when she arrived at the house I was so happy that I hugged her so hard, I remember that in her hand she had a gift bag, she gave it to me. When I opened it I found Mimoso, he was my favorite stuffed animal for a long time.

Hola mis queridas amigas de colmena, un cordial saludo a todas. Es un placer para mi estar en Damas de Colmena, hace mucho tiempo que no realizo una publicación para esta comunidad, sin embargo he descubierto este maravilloso concurso, de antemano les digo, que me gusta mucho participar en ellos me llenan de mucho entusiasmo.

Agradecida a nuestra compañera y moderadora @irenenavarroart, por su brillante participación. Leer las dos preguntas me hizo retroceder en el tiempo, tantos recuerdos, tantas vivencias, incalculables, es cierto

1️⃣ Las cosas materiales no son lo más valioso de la vida, sin embargo, hay cosas materiales que alegran nuestros días.

Cuando tenía diez años mi abuela Carmen viajó desde Anaco hasta Cumaná para visitarnos, cuando llegó a la casa me sentí tan feliz que la abracé muy fuerte, recuerdo que en su mano tenía una bolsa de regalo, me la dio. Cuando la abrí encontré a Mimoso, fue mi peluche favorito por mucho tiempo.

Years went by and I went to study in Margarita Island, there I had my great friend Rommel Alvarez, with whom I shared many experiences. Sometimes we went to eat at Mac Donals. On one occasion he gave me a happy box, which brought as a gift a Muppets Baby (René the frog), I really liked the program The Muppet Show, my favorite characters were Anny Sue Pig and her love for René the frog. I have kept my stuffed animals, for so many years that I hope they will be kept from generation to generation, at least I know that my beautiful Ruth takes care of them and loves them as the best kept secret, I hope someday in the future her daughters will also appreciate them.

Pasaron los años y me fui a estudiar a la Isla de Margarita, allí tenía a mi gran amigo Rommel Álvarez, con quien compartí muchas experiencias. A veces íbamos a comer a Mac Donals. En una ocasión me regaló una cajita feliz, que traía de regalo un Bebé Muppets (la rana René), me gustaba mucho el programa El Show de los Muppets, mis personajes favoritos eran la Cerda Anny Sue y su amor por la rana René. He guardado mis peluches, por tantos años que espero que se conserven de generación en generación, al menos se que mi hermosa Ruth los cuida y los quiere como el secreto mejor guardado, espero que algún día en el futuro sus hijas también los aprecien.

This is another memorable souvenir for me, since it is about my wedding day, one of the most unforgettable days of my life, the glasses with which we toasted and swore eternal love, these were made by Mirna, a cousin of my husband who I love as if she were my cousin, although cleaning some things I accidentally broke one, however this one I took care of with great delicacy.

Este es otro recuerdo memorable para mí, ya que se trata del día de mi boda, uno de los días más inolvidables de mi vida, las copas con las que brindamos y nos juramos amor eterno, estas fueron hechas por Mirna, una prima de mi esposo a la que quiero como si fuera mi prima, aunque limpiando algunas cosas accidentalmente rompí una, sin embargo esta la cuidé con mucha delicadeza.

It's fifteen years of living together, I love him as if it were our first date, I hope God allows us to grow old together.

Son quince años de vivir juntos, lo amo como si fuera nuestra primera cita, espero que Dios nos permita envejecer juntos.

2️⃣ We are not always surrounded by people who share our tastes or interests. Tell us about the last movie, series, documentary or book you've seen or read that you've wanted to talk to someone about but haven't had the chance.

There are a few movies that I like, but the ones that really catch my attention is Hidden Talents, how those women had the ability to work with deep math and algorithms from NASA.

The film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, impressive, as it visualizes how a being can be born with aging and die as a child. They are movies that impacted my life, I would watch them a thousand times more.

La película El curioso caso de Benjamin Button, impresionante, ya que visualiza como un ser puede nacer envejeciendo y morir siendo un niño. Son películas que impactaron mi vida, las vería mil veces más.

It has been a pleasure to make this publication
Use Deepl translator
the photos were taken with my Tecno Spark 8C phone
The images were extracted from Google

Ha sido un placer hacer esta publicación
Utilice el traductor Deepl
las fotos fueron tomadas con mi teléfono Tecno Spark 8C
Las imágenes fueron extraídas de Google

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