PART 2 of 6 ~ “ROAD TRIP NORTH - 304 km” Visit to the KELPIES close to Falkirk and our transit of moving countries 📦🚛✈️

Hi all 👋🏻

With this post in our lovely #community I will show you what I have done yesterday during our SECOND PART of our long #Journey that lies ahead 😎
We started our next trip in Ambleside - The Lake District of England
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 and drove about 304 km /189 Miles NORTH. The entire trip was 7,5 hours included a few stops for sightseeing and food and drinks.

We reached Balquhidder - Lochearnhead in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 to be precise.
It is located close to Lake/ Loch Lomond.

We only stayed one night there in a motel and today we drove further again. Yep… much further… 😂
I will show you this next trip from today soon as we are staying here 3 nights… so I have a bit more time before we will be going further on our adventure 😉😁 so stay tuned for part 3 of 6 in the next days.
Where will we end up next? can you guess…
At this point it can still be anywhere 😇

These 47 photographs in this post are all taken with my #iPhone 🤓 yesterday 7 January 2023 📱and I will follow the time stamps so it looks like you are coming along with me and see what I saw…

Some of you already know what I was doing during the last weeks… if you don’t know yet;
We are moving and are still in transit of our country move. (This will be the case until mid January…)
We left Spain 🇪🇸 see this post: ✈️ Our flight out of Spain 🇪🇸 ~ “Market Friday” we are in transit of moving countries 📦🚛✈️
I made an update in this post: Update, Things are not always going as planned ~ “Market Friday in Stamford UK” we are still in transit of moving countries 📦🚛✈️ and at the moment we started our next adventures, our journey towards our final destination after we visited the in-laws and friends in England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 for the holidays.
Part 1 of my adventures you find here: PART 1 of 6 ~ Market Friday ~ “ROAD TRIP NORTH - 305 km” our transit of moving countries 📦🚛✈️

As of today we still have no rental lined up yet, yep… technically I am still ”home less and country less” so we extended our journey and are currently going NORTH further ourselves 😉

RENTAL UPDATE: I am in contact with 2 potential rental properties and hope this week to hear more 🤞🏻🤞🏻😁 cross your fingers for me.
Let’s come along on my adventures and stays in the next weeks… 😎

Let me show you now PART 2 of our journey from yesterday 😉🤓

For the first bit of yesterdays route we took the following path:

Of course we went a bit more over the countryside roads so the journey was a bit further and longer. 🚗🚗

Come along…

We left Ambleside still in the dark and it was raining 🌧 a lot. Time we left 8:17h in the morning.

Going over small roads and through small towns…

Passing by some stunning countryside 😎😁

The weather gets worse and it is foggy too. Love seeing the layers of the mountains in the distance.

We drove also over very tiny roads, just one car could go through… this is still a 2 direction road. So you must look far ahead for up coming traffic 😎

More stunning country roads, it is a bit lighter here.

Of course we see more sheep 🐑🐑🐑🐑 in the fields next to us.

A while later we decide to drive a bit over a big motorway as the weather was bad too and we had a purpose to take this road 😉🤓 just for a little bit.

Please weather… stop raining for a little while, just a little window is all I need… ☀️🙏🏻🤞🏻


I wanted to take a photograph of a sign we will be passing by around Gretna Green… on the M6 Motorway driving North.


🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 ”Welcome to Scotland” 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
and in #Gaelic 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 ”Fàilte gu Alba” 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

So cool, don’t you think? 😎😊🎉🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

As we were in the area anyway, we took the next exit and drove into Gretna Green for some more SIGNS and some drinks and food.

Another sign:

And this cool sign next to the Old Toll Bar restaurant (that was closed)
The distances on it are in miles. 🤓

We needed some drinks, as it was still rather early: 10:34h in the morning… I decided a cappuccino and blueberry 🫐 muffin would do 🥰

I set out the next part of the trip:

Another 133 miles, what are 214 km, we will #drive further #North. Right through the middle of #Glasgow and #Edinburgh Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 😎

We start driving further over #countryroads… as you know, we try to not go much on the #motorways hehehe 🤭
It is rather wet in places and we avoid flooded areas.

More pretty views, in the distance I see some areas with more light. And stunning #cloud #formations 😁

Endless fields we pass by…

We drive a little on a larger road, through forests 🌳

I open the window and take some cool photos of the fog around the large trees 🌲 😊 so pretty… even if I do say so myself 😁

Following the signs NORTH… we are on the A74 (M) now for a little while.

But not too long of course… 😉

I decided I take a short cut towards something special… we cross a beautiful bridge:

A few more towns further…
Stunning views 🤩

We stop at a #gasstation to get some fuel ⛽️

Full #tank of #diesel cost us £107 GBP for 57 litres.
We do need #fuel to go along on our adventures once in a while… 🤓

The gas station itself:

After this stop we drive towards something beautiful… it is close to Falkirk in Central Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

The weather is suddenly sunny ☀️ it just had to be 🥰


I present to you “THE KELPIES”


I walk a while around #thekelpies and visit the grounds, café and visitors centre.


Beautiful, don’t you think?

Walking around the sculptures I take this capture:

Believe me they are large!

Walking towards the café and visitor centre… I see two small sculptures and on one of them… I see a small man looking up. Do you see him?

Here you see ME taking a photo from the little man looking up towards the head. 🤓😉😎

Hahaha, yep… sometimes I find myself in a photo taken by hubby without me knowing… 😂

Inside the visitor centre I see this mug: 🐝🐝🐝🐝

Yep that will do: Let today BEE 🐝 AMAZING!

We eat some hot soup with bread and I buy this MAGNET.

Here you can read about these Sculptures.

Can you imagine it is the largest #equine #sculpture in the world… and is 30 meters tall (100ft) WOW 🤩

Here in Wikipedia about the Kelpies! you can read more about these sculptures.

I just had to share them with you 😎
We drive further now… it is 14:20h 🚗

We pass by fields and villages and some beautiful churches.

We go slowly through more flooded areas…

While we go through a large city, Stirling… I see this clock on a roundabout.

Just outside of the city… this church… it starts raining again 🌧

But not long… the weather is ever changing up north.
I see this lovely farm and take a capture out of the window 😎

We are entering Callander 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 and I see in the distance snow on the mountains… not much but there is some 🏔

Driving through the village: do you see it better now?

A little bit further…

Driving next to a large #river… 😎

Another photo taken outside of the window 📸

It starts getting dark and some rain follows quickly 🌧

We arrive at the motel at 15:30h

The room at #Mhor84 will do for a night 😎

I didn’t make it late and think I even fell asleep just before 22:00h hehehe 🤭 😴😴

Now I rest a bit more as I’m not fully recovered from the flu 🤒 yet and soon I post more updates of my new adventures… so stay tuned UNTIL WE TRAVEL FURTHER 😉🤓

And that’s all for today’s post. Hope you enjoyed seeing another update… and the road trip that is part of our transit between moving countries 🗺

Until my next Post! 👋🏻😎 are you joining me again soon? 😉💃🏻
Thank you for looking and reading 😊 🙏🏻
Any questions or comments, let me know. Always happy to help.

Gif by @irisworld

Have a great #Sunday all 😎 enjoy the new week!
Grtz Jackie


The divider is Created by SilverFish / @ mondoshawan

Unless stated otherwise: All art and photos used in my posts are taken, created and owned by me. If you wish to use any of my photographs, please contact me first. As I have used some commercially myself. We don’t want that you or somebody else gets into trouble 😉 So please don’t use them without my consent.

🖼 My PRINTSHOP: for the purchase of all kind of prints in many sizes from my Artworks 🎨 and Photography 📸 Which come on different objects too. Have a look in My Prints Shop!

!pinmapple 56.01926 lat -3.75559 long PART 2 of 6 ~ “ROAD TRIP NORTH - 304 km” Visit to the KELPIES close to Falkirk and our transit of moving countries 📦🚛✈️ d3scr

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