How short my postpartum hair since hairfall is waiving.

Beige Elegant Minimalist Travel Scrapbook Photo Collage (Portrait) (2).jpg

As I posted in my previous blog here, my hair was already too long that I didn't noticed. Usually, I would trimmed it shoulder level for less maintenance. However, I haven't find time to visit salon for the past months; my last was October 2023. No wonder why it looks so dull and dry 🤣. Going to the salon was not in my plan but these past few days made me realize I needed to.

@xanreo asked me one time during our conversations in TG group chat if it is required to have short hair once you have a baby. Few days later, I sent her a photo explaining why.

See that hair strand on my baby's hand? As he discovered now he had, most of the time he would grab and hold anything within his reach. Could be his bolster, pillows, my clothes and even my hair. So most of the time I tied it in a hair bun.

It was already okay if that's the only problem but it isn't as I am experiencing hairfall now.

Been using this type of comb so it would be gentle on my hair while combing but still a lot of hair strands 😬. My hair was not that thick now I am thinking I might get bald if this continues.

Not only that , but since I tied my hair most of the time, during the bed time it was still wet and uncombed. This is when the baby was fussy and would demand cuddles the whole day. Blower? I don't have such habit because I am too lazy to dry my hair.

So better to cut it short as that's for the better. Remember years ago my hair was damaged because of hair rebonding and bleaching? There is still a part left as I applied color. My plan was to cut all and leave my newly grown hair!

Good thing there is a nearby salon in my husband's hometown. No need to go in the city or that would be my problem. Haircut costs only $3!

The interior was so feminine and the dominant color was pink. It wasn't that spacious but enough to accommodate a few.

The counter area

Three swivel chair for hair related services.

Aligned are these pink comfy cushion if you wanted to avail foot and hands services.

Different brands and colors of nail polish were displayed for the customers' easy choice.

Since I am the only customer, it didn't take long and I am done.

from this

to this, yep how short my postpartum hair is! No worries it was not that short but long enough to be in a ponytail. At least now, it was easier to manage.

Lead image was edited using Canva
All photos are mine otherwise stated
Footer credit to Sensiblecast

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