Hey, two months had passed, I managed to cope up with postpartum; life has been good .

Brown Vintage Travel Moodboard Photo Collage (1).jpg

It's a smoggy day! I woke up earlier reading a news advicing everyone to stay indoors as much as possible as the Taal Volcano continues to release smog. Since we are in the danger zone, I didn't dare to open our window and door for our safety! Hope everyone are!

Anyway, it has been almost a week since the last time I had written a blog. Been thinking about and believe me, I've constructed a lot in my head yet didn't got a chance to write, lol! My baby is getting more clingy so my days are spent cuddling as always.

Hey, does anyone here remember when my baby celebrated his first milestone, and I did a DIY photoshoot?. Ah, can't believe that was a month ago and he is now two months older!

Looking back on all the struggles, I am grateful in this community for letting me share all my worries. To all Ladies that shared their thoughts and opinion. For all the encouragement, I greatly appreciated it. @kerrislravenhill for even asking how my baby was when I dropped by at LOH discord server, @coquicoin for all the encouragement and to @elizabethbit and many others to mention. Apologies if in some I failed to reply. Of course I did but half way typing the baby woke up and then totally forgot about it.

Marse @cindee08 and @romeskie for always responding to all a sudden messages of mine in our group chat. Yes we have GC but it's only the three of us 😂. Now I can say that I surpassed it. Postpartum blues weren't that often, I may feel it from time to time but not that worse unlike back then that I even wanted to hurt my newborn . Maybe one of the factors was seeing him healthy! Unlike the past month he gained much weight. My in-laws even noticed that it seemed I am well adjusted to motherhood. I can even cook, clean the house and do the laundry while taking care of the little boy. Sleep? I'm still deprived but my body adapted 4-5 hours and was good at it.

For today, I am excited to share with you some photos I took, yes still DIY.

Classes had started so my sister in-law was busy, which means she is not available to cook. So, I just bought a petite caramel cake at Red ribbon through food panda.


Kids had coughs and cold so this is just enough for picture taking and maybe my dessert later, lol!


I don't want that only Happy two months greetings so assembled this instead.

@asiaymalay's daughter already went home as her classes started so it was me alone who did the job. Weew, I was sweating badly but it was worth it.


As he could see now, there are a lot of distractions so he won't look at the camera . Plus, placing the cake near him wasn't a good idea either considering how active he is now moving those tiny legs and arms.


Still got lucky somehow.

I did look back his pictures when he was a month old that I shared here, my heart was in so much joy seeing how much he had grown.

Feeling more relaxed, I even managed to take nice photos with him for the first time.


Even posted this on my Facebook account, sharing my Mum Era.

I was really engrossed that I didn't even notice how long my hair is now if @tengolotodo didn't mention it. Surprisingly this is my longest but hoping I would have time soon for a hair trimmed. hair fall is waiving.

Lead image was edited using Canva
All photos are mine otherwise stated
Footer credit to Sensiblecast

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