Not Just Any Lady, But A Lady Of Hive!

It has been a couple of days since I made my introduction post here on hive. I've done quite the tour around various communities and I'm really excited on the endless possibilities that accompany this ecosystem.


One community that applead alot to me though is the Ladies Of Hive community.
It felt really nice to see that I'm in a community that supports Ladies and female creators. It goes to show the system is unbiased as regards to gender.

MakeUp Power is another.
Seeing alot of female artists and female creators has given me the courage to want to put my work out here.

Also, I want to say thank you ❤ to everyone that took out time to welcome me here on Hive. It felt really heartwarming getting that much welcome. Especially with the fact that I knew no one but @samostically 😂.

A Short Story :

I remember when I was a child I loved to draw alot. I would come back from school with alot of drawings at the back of my notes.


My parents are academics and they weren't supportive of me drawing. They had this odd stereotype believe that drawing was the thing boys do.

Yes, I wouldn't deny, I did hang out with boys alot when I was little but the truth is art is for anyone. Male and female alike.

As a kid I couldn't really keep the balance. I loved drawing alot that it took away most of my time and it began to affect my grades.

That gave my parents enough reason to stop me from drawing completely.

They wouldn't let me draw and if they saw that I did, I would get punished.

Well, I understand why they did that to a degree as every parent want what is best for their child.

Good thing though, I didn't stop drawing completely 😂. I would hide and draw. But after a while I wasn't really good since I hardly practice.

But then I found Make-Up!


To me, it is basically another art of drawing. Only this art is on people's faces.
I watched a makeup artist work on my sister's face on her wedding day and I thought to myself : "I can draw again".

Make-up to me is art. I know alot of people don't like it though. Some religious beliefs are against it and some people have their personal opinions towards it.

But personally I love it and it gives me the chance to express myself. ❤

And I'm glad to see that there are communities here that allow ladies to express themselves.
Only a Lady know what it truly means to be a Lady.

I would love to do make-up tutorial videos or even blogs with photos in the future. I hope you look forward to it.

Once again, I am glad for this great community and glad for Ladies Of Hive

I used to just be a Lady, now I am a Lady of Hive!

Thank you for reading!

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