The Supremacy Of Thinking

thinking-2681494_1920.jpgImage by Robin Higgins from Pixabay

Most often, the only strategy you need to motivate yourself and influence your environment is to say something SMART that can stimulate others around you.

A few years ago, there was this friend of mine whose phone was lost on a journey and has no money in her account to buy a new one.

This incident led to her suffocating in which she was unable to reach out to people on her contact list, except those she remembered their numbers offhand.

With her thought while narrating this incident, one cheerful young boy with his mischievous acts suggested that they can retrieve the phone by checking for who stole it from the religious leaders. Similarly, she quickly made up her mind to follow the suggestion, but I stopped her from diving into it.

I would have forgotten to share this short but valuable story but I got a call from her yesterday appreciating me for the decision I made that stops her from headfirst into the scary decision. She told me she had a similar condition but was conscious of her decision. What a motivation!

Dear reader, don’t let the confusion of unreasonable thought affects your thinking. Even God that created you needs this, where you can attach your belief when something good or bad happens to you. That is simply your faith.
You can’t imagine, the decision the young boy made is just mischievous but she had admitted to follow it due to the condition of her thoughts but my resolution for her which I referred to as the SMART word in the heading kept her away from diving into it!

Thinking can make situations better or worse based on the perception of your thoughts but you rather fixed them once on a positive angle.

Your thinking magnifies the solutions you truly need now, don’t make a negative decision while having pain!
Those who have quality thinking are those that fix their minds to think positive even when no one is there to watch them.
If you are planning to be great, try to think of something great. Your thinking is similar to the backend in you that controls what you are carrying out outside.

Make the Right Choice!
Till next time I will be writing to you again, keep making a positive difference….

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