Is Teleportation Magic Or Technological Advancement

Hello beautiful ladies of hive, I hope you are having a nice day. There is something I am so much concerned about which is called teleportation if actually it’s a magic or technological advancement.

In view of this content, I shall define what teleportation is about and my view as regards it.

What is Teleportation

Teleportation is the change in quantum matter location from one point to another instantly without change in the location of the person.


This makes use of quantum physics theories in order to get this done.

My view as regards teleportation

When I listened to a quantum engineer describing how the process of teleportation works by principle of materializing and dematerializing at some point in his explanation he was about to hide the obvious narration of magic in an official way but he was a bit confused on explaining how this works for human beings.

Check this explanation video

I only have to ensure my body has a device that can dematerialize it and on the other end there is also a device that materialize the human body to another location.

How is that possible? I really thought about this to be a way of presenting magic in an educated or an official way.



In conclusion

Technological advancement has always earned my support but we ought to be careful with the ones invented which may have latter effect in us. Just imagine your blood also gets to disappear. It reminds me of witches that they also have the capacity to do that also. It’s just a thought that came to my mind; you know am a free thinker.


Thanks for reading.

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