Welcome to the Family Zuki 🤩😍😎



I finally had the pleasure of collecting the newest darling addition to our family, last week Wednesday. Our brand new Suzuki Celerio.

She couldn't have come at a better time. Trust me when I say I deserve all the peace and comfort of driving her, after the last few months of absolute commuter hell. You name it, I've been through it! In fact at one point I found myself becoming quite the informed mechanic lol.

Last year the corporate pirates, lol, decided that we all had to return to working at the office full time. So it was time to dust off the old, and by old, I mean 44 years old Mercedes 230. This Fancy Lady, her name, and I have a long relationship together. It's actually quite funny but we actually bought her from someone who shares a birthday with hubby @therneau and as she was manufactured in 1979 she is the same age as him as well! Incredible if you actually think about it.


Everything was going well for the first few months and then out of no where the traffic became insane and way too much for the old girl to handle. From being stuck in traffic, to maneuvering her heavy ass to the side of the road and running out of petrol to name but a few of the fun times we shared hahahaha.

Eventually it got to a point where I had to admit that no matter how hard I tried I couldn't drive her in the traffic anymore and the plan was for me to just drive the kids to school and myself down to the bus stop every morning.

Then one fateful Tuesday, while I was on my way home from dropping our son off at Krav, she cut out all of a sudden while I was taking a corner and I got the fright of my life! You see that heavy car needs all the help it can get to turn properly! As soon as I got home I sent a frantic message to @therneau telling him that I can no longer drive her ,and that it is becoming incredibly unsafe to do so.

The next day I started researching "most fuel efficient cars in South Africa," and through all my digging and reviewing found the Suzuki Celerio. Decided to see if I would qualify for vehicle finance and before you know it I was on my way to collecting our new darling family member, Zuki. Yes, we name all our cars around here.

In short I'm looking forward to all our adventures and I cannot tell you enough what a relief it is to just get in a car and not worry about if you are going to get to where you are needing to be getting to.

Just to note. We haven't given up on the old lady, we would never treat her like that lol. We will sort out all her old lady aches and pains in time so she can continue to enjoy cruising around for fun.

Thank you for Reading 😀

With Love Always, Justine.

All Photos Are My Own, Unless
Sourced Otherwise lol 😂

Photo's taken with my Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra.

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