The Flight : My journey to a new life.


How is your day going my dearest Hive friends? As I enter the first day of this weekend, I got the courage to roll down to my memory lane and so I can share to you how my concurrent teaching life in the U.S. started.

The realizations.

I took a leap of faith in the middle of a chaotic era. It was pandemic and everything paused. The whole world took a hiatus from the hustle and bustle of life. Every action is limited. Lives were hideously threatened by a very infectious and deadly disease - the Corona virus. Yet, it never stopped me to starting something new.
This was during the beginning few months of lockdown. My nephews and niece were very bored at home. So I took the initiative to have a nonconventional class in my sister’s house @nanayko . Two of them were my neighbor’s children who agreed to let their child be part of it.

Within the first 2 years of pandemic, I felt both my personal and professional life has been stagnant and headed nowhere near where I dreamed of. Little did I know, with one drastic step, it led me to a whole new stage of life a caterpillar going through its metamorphosis. Within that same year, 2021, resigned from my permanent teaching position in the department of Education in the Philippines. I got married with just a month of preparation for a civil wedding. I hopped into my very first international flight going to the land of free . Thus, I experienced one of the busiest airport in the US which is the Los Angeles International airport. I can vividly remember how I raised my dilemma of surviving in that big of an airport. My friend Patricia who is a J1 teacher and
consistently encouraged me to apply just replied to me as, "Use your reading ability. As long as you look up and read those signages to where you were going, you'll definitely find your way to it. Besides, you can speak English, as the airport authorities that you can see". Then I felt the relief and it indeed took my worry away.

The departure.

The process took 6 months. It took me 3 months of applying and waiting until until I received an interview schedule from one of the Districts that I applied. I am blessed to be hired on my first interview. Yes, in here, you have to apply to a district and it will be a school principal's initiative if they liked your credentials and schedule you for an interview.

The take off.

Upon getting my job order for a teaching position, I and my long time boyfriend back then decided to get married through a civil wedding before I leave. I felt so bad for my friends of not being able to inform them in advance. He was always there to help me with all those documents needed and I can hardly travel as I was still working. I just started to file for an a leave of absence for 3 month when I was accepted to a teaching position abroad. I was trying to get the win - win situation. It was all in a perfect timing as I passed my visa interview and he was still waiting for his schedule to his voyage because he was a seafarer.

This was our covid civil wedding ceremony hence the wearing of mask is a must.

Constantly monitoring and tracking for my leave of absence.

The turbulence.

I believed it was all in God's plan. I passed the visa interview, then we booked a ticket and my family were ready to send me off. That night before I left, I received a positive result for a Covid test which was a main requirement in every flight. I felt so frustrated but I kept my faith. If it is God's plan to let me go, this could probably just a little bumpy turbulence that I have to take. I was right, despite of being delayed to my initial arrival in the US and start as the school opens, my then school principal was so understanding and assures me that he will wait for me. Mind you, not everyone were blessed to be in that same situation. Many J1 teachers were suddenly taken back their job order if they could not comply to their demands.


This is my niece cutting off the barricade tape after we all came out negative and been quarantined for 14 days.

The smooth ride.

After getting the clearance to travel, I couldn't contain my happiness and gratefulness to God. I remembered as my husband sent me off to the airport, we were reassuring each other that soon, in God's time, everything will fall into place. Living my whole life surrounded by my big-o-so-loud family, I was thinking of how lonely it could be staying in a country where not even a single person is your family. Cliche as it may sound, but it is true. You will never know the struggles unless you fill into someone's shoes. My appreciation towards OFW's then was as high as the skyscrapers.


The arrival.

I had two stop over airport which were the Narita international airport and Los Angelest international airport before my last destination airport. Then, I arrived at Sky Harbor airport, in Phoenix , Arizona and got picked up by our teacher coach, Ms. Teeter. Yes, that's how wonderful my school community is. They will not spare any effort to support you. She brought me to a house where I rented a room with my co-teacher Hazel. Then 3 years later, here I am , having my second home.

This was the busiest airport among the 3. The Los Angeles international airport.

I am now on my 3rd year as an exchange teacher under a J1 visa. It is a wonderful program that allows international teachers like from the Philippines to gain teaching experiences in any states of America. I think it is also a resolution to this country's teacher shortage dilemma.

Yes, the pay is indeed enticing. Truthfully , it is one of the main reasons why I took this opportunity. However, I personally wanted to challenge myself to be better at this chosen profession. At first, it was like walking on an eggshell. I have to be extra careful for everything that I do. Everything that I've learned when it comes to the Philippine's educational system and teaching styles had to be kept in the cabinet, because it was not useful. Yet, later on, I perceived how my DepEd experiences honed me to be prepared for this new venture. Indeed, the teaching practices were never similar in any way possible. However, being trained to a much heavier workload in our country's public education system made most of the tasks here a lot easier. From 8-12 subject areas to teach in a self-contained classroom, teaching 3 subjects a day in here is a piece of cake. Having more than 30 students in a cramped classroom, managing 20-25 learners in a wider and well equipped classroom has been more manageable. Before, I was spending from my own pocket for classroom but now I will just order the supplies from the front office and it will be delivered to my room. Don't get me wrong, these are just an icing to the cake. Underneath it are more complicated ingredients and flavors that makes this experience worthwhile.

This is me on one of my carpet time discussion. As you can observe the anchor charts posted on my whiteboard and bulletin boards are the essential materials that they would want to see in a classroom. Not the ready made ones. They want us to create such along with the students' learning time.

Hope this blog inspires you to just trust God’s plan. It may not be what you expect but surely it is the best for you.
‘Till next time 🖐️ God Bless!

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