A pleasurable drink. LOH:#102

Hello #ladiesofhive community,

This week's set of questions brought some childhood memories. The question says:

Coffee? Tea? Both are renowned around the world! Which is your favorite to drink daily, and how do you take it? Recipes, please, and if you are not a fan of either, what is your favorite daily drink?

I am just wondering if there is any one who has never taken tea? Some may not like coffee but tea is usually a must especially for children. I use to love tea so much as a child but it changed when I became an adult.


As a child, I saw my dad take coffee everyday. One time I was so curios to know why he always took a cup of coffee every morning and he told me that it was a drink for adults. He frightened me by saying that if I take coffee at my little age, I would be a dullard. I was around 8 or 9 years of age then. Since I wanted to be an intelligent child, I ran far from coffee. Little did I know that it was just his trick to make me not go near coffee.

I am certain so many parents here sometimes say unbelievable things to their children to keep them away from some things that are not suitable for them.


As an adult, it took me a long while to finally embrace coffee. It has this unpleasant taste that would make me throw up whenever I sip it. I just couldn't understand how people could comfortably take coffee with a smiling face not to talk of taking it everyday. Well, different strokes for different folks I guess.

My first attempt after so many years of trying to embrace coffee, was just last year. My husband bought some and was taking a sip when I walked in one day. I usually take stuff from him especially when he is eating. I took a sip and enjoyed it. I didn't know what it was but it was something that I was ready to try out again. When he finally told me that it was coffee, I argued with him until he showed me the packet. This particular type is creamy. It is called Nescafe malty.

I take this kind of coffee almost every morning. I love the malty taste too. In fact it was that malty feeling that made me enjoy it when I tried it at first. I thought my husband was actually taking malt drink at first. I love to add some scoops of milk to it too. Without milk, it is also creamy but I just feel that adding milk to it makes it creamier. This kind of coffee can be taken with cold water or hot water.

Sorry friends, I do some weird things sometimes. I know someone will ask how I take coffee with cold water. But that's my reality. I don't really like putting hot food into my system. And sometimes, it is just laziness and the lack of patience of waiting to get my water boiled.

Anyway that's how I take my coffee. And it is very easy to prepare. Just add it into a cup of your desired water. It could be hot or cold like I do sometimes. You should look out for this type of coffee. You will love it.

This is my reaction to question twoof the week's contest. I invite @deraaa and @atyourservice to participate. You can check out the details here

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