HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY | Ladies of Hive Community Contest #73


Edited in Canva

8th of March marks the day for women, it may vary to some countries but mostly it happens around late February up to this month. It is observed annually to commemorate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women globally. It is the day to focus more into gender equality and herald the significance and impact which women created. Empowering and celebrating women may have a spot in our calendars for a month or a day but I strongly believe that it should be an everyday thing specially to us women.

Growing up in a family having 3 brothers seem to be a challenge for me for they have different views, opinions and may not relate to some difficulties that I as a woman go through. As years pass by, from children we became young adults and can last a long conversation without raising our voices to explain our point. For the past years, I have been very vocal as to speaking to them how women can be easily misconstrued by the society and receive the blame. From being blamed or judged if one is raped, being sexualized by just eating a banana, yawning, wearing shorts or even in just doing a simple human activities to telling and educating them to end stereotyping women. Whenever, we had this kind of conversation they also share their experiences as men and how society perceived them to behave. And at the back of my head, how amazing it would be to also have an International Men's Day?

When you think about women's day it isn't only about women, it also invites men and other genders to be part of celebration and relate our difficulties, share our stories and became allies with them in fighting for gender equality. Some people might got lost in translation for they equate empowering women or such movement to man-hating but it's not. Sexists and mysogynists can come from different sexes. I've met numerous women and men who slut- shame teenagers and friends personally and even in virtual spaces. It's just disappointing that the group of people (women) whom we expected to undertand us are first people who will judge and bring us down. For this week question:

Is there any woman in your life whom you admire or feel impacted you; or any woman in general you feel contributed to the advancement of women? Give us two reasons why.

Without a missing beat, I will say my mother even if we disagree in some things. If you ask me why then:

Simply because she is my mother.

She have been supporting me since day 1 and love me unconditionally. I still remember the first time she told me her pregnancy journey and the moment she delivered me inside a taxi. Almost 11 am of November 04, 2000 she already felt series of painful contraction so she decided to get a cab and our neighboor/ family friend (woman) happened to notice her situation and immediately assisted her. My father was still at work and so she just gave him a call and told him to meet her in the hospital. While my mother and our neighboor were on their way, my mama already had a feeling that I am about to come out so she immediately told our neighboor to catch the baby (me). At first she thought that my mother was just joking and then she lift her legs and told her that she is freakin' serious. And just like that, our neighbor who catched me became my god mother. Everytime I hear this story I am just amaze by how strong my mother is, the fact that she carried me for 9 months and went through all of those is mind-blowing.

She is one of the reasons why I become the woman I am today.

She taught me a lot of lessons in life like I should be my own kind of woman before being someone else's. I should need to enjoy being single, achieve different milestone, dreams, save money and be happy. There are many reasons why I adore and love her. We might have arguments, different opinions and views but I am very thankful that I have her as my mother and friend.


Edited in Canva

When I was younger I had been in a phase where in I thought it be the better and best if I was born as a man and I hate that I was born as a woman. Thank God, it was just a phase because I realize that being a woman is amazing. Woman are more than just bodies. We have minds and dreams. We are also great.

I would like to end my post here and I would like to invite @bunsai to join Ladies of Hive Community contest #73
Note: Its been a long time since I posted in hive but I guess this time is the best day to come back and of course to have my first post in this community.



Hello once again! Heads up hivers! Jenny Mauring here who lives in Mandaue, Cebu City Philippines, I am a self taught artist. I am a friend to some and strangers to many. I am a lady with light in her eyes, love in her bones and a sucker of artsy and creatives. Come and visit my blog @jmauring to check out my content. You can also connect with me through my Instagram account, that's @jmauring, Jenny Mauring in Facebook and YouTube Channel as well. Stay happy, healthy and crazy.

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