Happiness Found On The Summit (Ladies of Hive Community Contest #76)

I was summoned by @princessbusayo to join the latest contest of this community. The topics are interesting and I even want to write for the two topics, but I chose the latter and probably would write another article for the former.


If you could pick a favorite "happy place" where would that be?

People when asked this question would probably answer their dream place.

Perhaps, some would prefer to choose South Korea to see their Oppa or watch live concerts of their favorite KPop groups and have their autographs. A lot are dying to see their idols and dream to watch their concerts for real. And for some who love adventure, would probably want to go to Jeju Island and explore this paradise. Undeniably, there are a lot of things to do to make you happy in your dream place.

What about Japan? I bet many want to walk along the pathway blanketed with cherry blossoms. It must be romantic, especially if you are holding your loved one's hand. And as the wind blows through fallen flowers, the petals would spread in the air and both of you would feel like you're in Utopia. A romantic and happy scene in a happy place it would be. And what about wandering around Paris or Amsterdam, you bet? I would love to as well.

Certainly, many would want to visit the famous happy place, Disneyland. A dream place for every kid as well as adults who once dreamed to visit the happiest place on Earth. I've been there and I can attest that it is indeed a happy place that kids must visit. And I even want to visit that kingdom again someday if opportunity knocks on my door.


But, would you really consider your dream place as your happy place? Undoubtedly, you would. Because literally, a happy place is somewhere where we would feel happy, and a dream place is one of them. It's a place where we could only think about ourselves, unwind, and be happy with no stressors. Somewhere we feel relaxed and away from any burdens and toxic vibes of toxic jobs. Indeed, it's a happy place.

For a person like me working full-time abroad, I probably need a long vacation to experience that real happiness, as the weekend wouldn't be enough to make it worth it. And over four years of staying in a foreign land, I admit that I missed my family and wanted to go back home. It is probably not the happiest place as more responsibilities are also there. But you couldn't blame someone who spent years away from them and missed a lot of special occasions and events with the family. I missed a lot like seeing my little siblings grow taller than me. And I missed those years with my parents who are approaching their senior stage.

However, I really have another favorite place which can't be found at home as it is even far away from the crowd and bustling streets of towns and cities. To reach the place, I need to pass through undulating ridges, climb hindering rocks, and jump on the humps. It would take an arduous climb to reach the spot, yet, I would feel happy and relaxed upon seeing the hidden beauty above, and that is the summit.


Yes, my favorite happy place is on top of the mountain as I feel truly relaxed up there. It's a place away from the toxic vibe of a bustling city, away from my stressful job and other stressors, a real haven! Who wouldn't feel happy seeing the real beauty of nature and the world? Indeed the best view comes after an arduous climb.

And I believe that our life should have more mountains and lesser stress. It's not just the view that I am after, but the journey. Moreover, there are a lot of realizations upon climbing the mountain. It would teach us to only carry the valuable ones. Just like Earl Shaffer said, "Carry as little as possible, but choose that little with care."


It is when we would value the little thing we have with us. And for a moment, we would realize that we can actually be happy even if we only have a little. Because the fact is, it's not material things that would give us real happiness, but the beautiful journey, experiences, and memories.

So on top of the mountain is my favorite place. I enjoy the climb, feel contented with what I have, feel happy upon reaching the summit, and relaxed by the tranquility atop and spectacular scenery is hidden behind enormous mountains.

Thanks for this contest šŸ˜ @EybYoung you want to join?

(All photos are mine)

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