A Blissful Weekend [The Farmboy Finally Found His UFO]

There is something about the blue sky, trees, and green surroundings. Put them all together and that's heavenly for me. Anyeong and I were under the shade yesterday afternoon when the below shots were taken. The husband dragged us along with him when he ran to his father's place because the water pump broke down and he needed to take the repair man to check what was wrong when he just bought it a week ago.

Anyhow, it was around 4 pm when we arrived and the sun was still warm although it was a bit breezy under the trees. I had some videos but it's taking a long while for 3Spk to encode them.

Papa wasn't around so while the husband and the repair man went down to their business, my lil guy started to investigate the proximity, lol! He just loves to be out, running around, sniffing on things, and eating them too! You can imagine I've had a lot of NO's while he was on the ground. While he seemed to be having fun, I was on his tail, worried he would eat a tiny stone or something that would hurt his wee tummy.

It was almost 5 pm when Papa arrived and opened the gate. Just in time for us to watch the sunset on the other side of the place overlooking a part of the valley, the farm terraces, and the mountains from afar.

It was that time when we simply stopped to look and listen as nature played its magic. All too often, we miss much when we are cooped up in our little corner inside the house. Thankfully, the Farmboy has his way of making us go out.

Turning around, the sun was no more, leaving silhouettes of the mountainsides where the town's busy highway is located, and along with it are hospitals and other bustling establishments and residences.

And up the sky, there seems to be a group of furry pups convening a meeting! Do you perhaps see them too? Oh well, might just be me having some furry thoughts (whatever that means), lol!

Anyeong seemed to be in tune with me - he was very still and quiet as the sky turned darker, the pup meeting adjourned and some gentle breeze touched our faces. The day was to bid goodbye to give way to the night.

"So have you seen the UFO yet?" that was the husband breaking the silence as he came towards us. Was I to fall into that again? Can't resist turning around though and wow...

We continued to watch turning around from time to time as there were different displays of hues, shapes, and colors.

Until it was time to go, for it was dark and the UFO was no more. It did leave a trace of it there, hehe!

The old man finished making dinner when we went back to his house. We spent an hour there over food and chitchats before we headed home. It was another blissful day and I absolutely loved and enjoyed it!

Photos are my own. 12112023/12:03ph

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