To the Woman that Birthed me [LOH #185]

It started with looking and choosing the right one.
Many had showed up, heck! She was a SPEC.
She turned down so many of her suitors.
The essence of the right one was not just for her sake but for her children.
She understood the Assignment and she gave it her all.


The right one finally came along and she knew it instantly!
Her status changed, and her responsibilities multiplied.
It wasn’t an easy task but she did it anyway.
She moved from being just a woman to a wife, she automatically became a mother afterward, then a teacher, friend and so many other roles she picked up while going through this journey called LIFE.

My Precious Jewel
My Superwoman
My Mother

The one I fed from even without knowing how to chew.
The one I spoke to while I made inaudible sounds.
The one who went through hell while trying to give me life.
The one who was always there for me from day 1

The aura and gatekeeper of my existence


I call her Mama
I call her my Queen
I call her my Angel

The one who has fought countless battles and won without a sword or gun.
The one who didn’t need to go to any Ivy League school to be well educated yet she gave me the best education.
The one who deprived herself of so much so I could be fine.

She is beautiful
She is strong and sweet.
She is the Proverbs 31 woman the Bible talks about.

A well of wisdom.
she taught me how to crawl, stand, and walk.
She put the first words in my mouth and watched me blab and stutter till I got it right.
She taught me values.
She taught me how to be a Queen just like herself.
She taught me how to carry myself gracefully like the Queen that I am.

Mama, my success story wouldn’t be complete without you in the picture.

My Strongwoman
My Warrior
My Tutor
My Joy
My Peace
My Queen

When she saw me hurting as a kid she came to my rescue and consoled me.
Not for once did she leave my side when I was sick.
She worked tirelessly to make my dreams become reality.


Mama is my pride and Mama is my everything
I love You more than all the words in the English Lexicon.
If I had my way, I would keep you by my side to date.
If I had my way, death would have nothing on you🥰

You might not get to read this beautiful poem by me since you are no longer with us but wherever you are, just know that I love you unconditionally🥰🥰

This is a poem written to my beloved mother in Heaven in response to the Ladies of Hive weekly contest by @cautiva-30

You can write your handwriting, inspirational words, or a poem to pay tribute and express your feelings towards your mother.

All images are mine except otherwise stated.

Thanks for stopping by
Loads of Love🥰🥰

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