[LOH #171] Advises For The Younger Women

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I'm still a young girl in her early 20's and yeah i'm still growing but still have experiences I would teach to younger girls. I'm happy I had parents and elder siblings who were there to guide me through my early stages.
Well one mistake I made was not learning a skill after I want to be done with Highschool. At the time when I was seeking admission, I was doing nothing at home and was too scared to tell my parents I wanted to learn a skill.
Now with the current economy of the country it is important to learn a skill even as you're in college. So dear younger girls, learning a skill is very important to keep your hands busy even when you have not got a job yet. No man wants to marry a liability.

I was just so lucky I learned some things that can help me have some income online. Not everyone can be privileged in the online space so get a skill you are passionate about and be consistent.

Another I would love to give to younger women is to build self confidence in themselves. In that way you will build your self esteem. When I was growing up I was shy and wasn't bold enough to speak in public and that made me lose out on many opportunities. I thought I wasn't good enough. Even now sometimes I feel that way but I'm trying to fight that so hard.
The younger women should never feel or make someone make you feel less yourself. You are priceless and you should carry yourself like that. Never allow any scar, past hunt you and also love your body, height and every part of you.

Lastly I will advise them to never beg for love and when you aren't treated right speak out and leave. Women have rights too.

Thank you for reading

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