Dear Dairy ❤ LOH Contest #158

Dear Dairy,

It has been a minute but you know how busy this day can be for me. Even when I feel like I'm not accomplishing very much, I seem to be on a ticking clock as time goes by so fast.

But today is amazing. I woke up with so much energy and positivity inside of me. I feel like I'm carrying the strength of two people. Maybe because my son started walking and I kind of feel less needed by him, even though I know that it means now more than ever I will have to keep an eye on him.

You know how he gets, now he is going to walk around every corner of the house. But today I'm not going to worry about his little house exploration. Today I celebrate this great and beautiful milestone of his.

Talking about my son, his sleeping time has changed, and so have I adjusted. Usually, I would complain or feel stressed about this but no not this time. I'm doing perfectly well with all his adjustment, I think this motherhood thing has a way of changing us, you know how I used to get with my sleep. My friend used to call me a sleepyhead 😂 but not anymore.

Little men these days wake up when it is around two at night and play till around five, like who does that? and my body system just felt so cool with this new adjustment. Most times I take advantage of this to attend to some of my line-up tasks. To tell you what? I'm surprised with how I can cope with this but you know what? A mother will do anything just for the sake of her child.

The light in my area is restored and better, which means I will have more power to charge my gadget and be more active with my hive activities. Our light had issues for some weeks and it affected me in a lot of ways. So I'm grateful the power condition is way better now.


Oh dear dairy, please wish my hubby well, he has reapplied for his master's scholarship and I'm hoping he won this time around. It means a lot to him, and for that, I'm putting this into the universe and praying it turns things in his favor.

My day started on a very high note, the weather was friendly, though cold, accompanied by fresh air. The harmattan is in the air and surprisingly my mood and body system are reacting pretty well to it. I guess I'm getting used to this northern weather. And oh I just got a pair of leggings that I love so much, it has been very helpful in protecting my skin against the harshness of the harmattan. At the end of the day, all my tasks were completed very timely. I felt very accomplished and fulfilled more than I have been in a while.

Thank you for always being here for me dear dairy, whenever I need a safe space to share my feelings. a big hug 🤗 and kisses 😘 to you.

I am just a regular mom and this is what my typical note on my dairy looks like. To join In the fun, click Here

The Thumbnail in this publication was designed by me

Thank you for visiting my blog, have a Lovely day at your end.🥰❤🙏🥰

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