A Tale Of A Smally || LOH Contest #188

We live a life where everyone has an opinion, we have opinions about others and other people have opinions about us as well, from their opinions is how they see us and will treat us.

How do people see me and how do I like them to see me?

This is one of the questions from the ladies of hive community this week and here is my response

There was this one time during my final year days in high school, my immediate younger brother had just been admitted to my school, and that particular day, we were walking together in the school premises as I was still helping him through the registration processes.

A friend of his walked up to us jokingly and asked my brother if I was his girlfriend? My brother is huge and tall, you could mistake him for my elder brother while I was walking beside him, a slim girl with the face of a fifteen-year-old girl, even though I was 23 years old, and my brother was going to celebrate his 20th birthday in three months as at then. Though I'm tall, my slim body and my kind of face do not do my age any justice, we just both smiled and let it slide.

Right from time, I never had a big body, and people always saw me as a little girl among my age mates but I never let it bother me anyway, when I look at myself in the mirror, I don't think about the size of my body all I see is my strength, my inner worth, and a younger girl who is not afraid to go for what she want to achieve in life regardless of her body size.

Some friends realized these qualities in me while I was in school and they called me smally but mighty, because they knew they could never mess with me.

It could have been nice though, if people don't always mistake my age, but I guess it isn't their fault, size does matter at times.

That was me above, taken three years ago, a few months to my wedding. On that day, I had gone to inform a family friend of ours about my upcoming wedding, an elderly man close to my family for the past couple of years.

When I told him about my upcoming wedding, he was surprised and looked at me like, how old are you? And you are already talking about a wedding.

When I told him my age, he couldn't believe it, he thought I was inflating my age. According to him, he was still seeing me as a twenty-year-old girl.

Fast forward to three months ago, my 20 year youngest brother, our last born, came to visit us. We were visiting one particular family in our neighborhood who hadn't met my husband before. Immediately the man saw my brother and I with my son. He was like, “welcome madam, this is your husband right? You son looks just like him.”

My brother and I look at each other and busted out with laughter, I was like, “o boy, even after having a child, this people still think I'm a smally🤣”


Until that man made that statement, I never knew my look would still betray my age like that. Or he could be exaggerating..

Everyone in our neighborhood when they saw my brother for the first time, they thought he was my elder brother.

Most of the time, people see me and think that I'm this naive, and unwise girl they can take advantage of until they try and fail and they will be like, oh you are wise, what a nerves and I will be like sorry sweetheart, you can blame it on my Dad.

This makes me put up a bold face sometimes until I'm very comfortable with people and I know I can trust them to some extent. Then I will let them into my soft sweet side, it feels safer that way.

I just wish people could be kind and not want to try to take advantage of people like me in the first place, until they realize they can't. Whatever happened to treating people just the way we wants to be treated.

Thank you for stopping by, I hope that you enjoyed my little tale of a smally🤩 Bye 👋

All Images are mine


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